Wilkinson School Community Council
Meeting Minutes
June 12, 2012

Present: Leasa Adams (vice-principal), Bipasha Choudhury, Paul Dobson, Susan Haney, Sharon Hennessey, Raihana Ingar, Allan Kelly (principal), Ruby Lederman, Bruce MacDonald, April Moon, Deanna Rosolen, Martin Saxton, Paula Weekes-Kahn (council chair), Karen Wiseman

Regrets: Laura Bullard-Brezovsky, Shauna Dobbie, Helen Ferraro, Liza Finlay, Sarah-Jane Gillespie, Kris Kearns, Kirsten McGoey, Alison Motluk, Emma Reid, Jill Spellman

Guests: Lindsay Whitfield (JK/SK teacher at Wilkinson)

Recorder: Deanna Rosolen

Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m.

1. Welcome and Introductions: Paula welcomed everyone to the Annual General Meeting.

Annual General Meeting:
Paula gave an overview of the Parent Council’s role in the school and community. She also went over several of the council’s accomplishments for 2011-2012. They included:
a. The first-ever Internet Safety Workshop for parents.
b. The Garden Party Clean-Up.
c. The two Wil-Kitchens, which are all about connecting parents through cooking.
d. The hugely successful Fun Fair, Movie Nights and Sweetheart Bake Sale.
e. The live arts performances.
f. And the fact that much of the council’s communications to the school community is done by e-mail.

Paula also gave an overview of the council’s financial highlights. The council held several fundraisers, such as the Direct Donation campaign, Pumpkinfest, Movie Nights, Pizza Lunches, Sweetheart Bake Sale and Fun Fair.

With the money raised, the council is able to provide full or partial funding for:
a. Scientists in the School.
b. Field Trips
c. Performances for all Grades
d. Blue Spruce/Silver Birch reading programs
e. School yard greening initiatives: Learning Garden Revitalization and the Veggie Garden
f. Graduation awards
g. Ukulele program
h. School risers

Paula also reviewed the financial and budget details for the year.

This led to a discussion among council members about how to present council’s expenses and money raised more clearly. How detailed should the summary be? The point some members were trying to make was that financials should be as transparent to the community as possible.

Treasurer Martin Saxton took over the financials review.

Council’s gross income – the total of all fundraising is: $35,486.35.
Council’s net profit will be approximately $24,500.00. (As of the June 12 meeting, Martin still hadn’t received all the expenses.)

Parent Council Meeting

2. Approval of the Agenda: Agenda was approved.
Motion: Bipasha Choudhury. Seconded: Martin Saxton.

3. Kindergarten Play Yard Presentation: At the previous meeting on May 14, 2012, Lindsay Whitfield, JK/SK teacher, gave a detailed presentation about the JK/SK fenced-in play space and the lack of activities it offers students. The teachers would like to add a kindergarten-friendly play structure.

Lindsay reported back again at this meeting with some examples of play structures and prices. Henderson, a company that supplies and installs these structures, came and quoted. One structure the teachers liked costs just under $11,000 – without installation. Henderson charges 40 per cent of the cost of the structure to install it. This structure also happens to be on sale right now for just over $9,000. Parent council could purchase it now and have it installed in the fall.

The structure is approved and appropriate for primary grades. And will come in especially handy with all-day kindergarten.

There’s enough space for the structure in the fenced-in yard, but some of the small pine trees would have to be relocated and this will add to the cost.

Allan pointed out that there is a grounds maintenance department at the board. If this department can take care of the pine trees, there won’t be any cost. He will arrange for an audit of the trees right away.

The council was all in agreement regarding funding the structure and decided on a motion to approve a budget of $22,000 to go toward the JK/SK structure, grounds preparation, installation, and any modifications or improvements (within reason) needed in the space.

Everyone also decided that over the summer either the principal or vice-principal would be the point person in case any communications with Henderson or any issues arise.

The structure will be purchased in the 2011-2012 year and installation will likely take place in 2012-2013.

Motion: April Moon. Seconded: Karen Wiseman.

4. Approval of the Minutes from May 14, 2012: Approved.
Motion: Sharon Hennessey. Seconded: Martin Saxton.

5. Principal’s update:

a. Jump rope for Heart took place. Some parents were not happy with the event. But there was a lot of support for it also. Allan asked how council felt about it. Overall council was happy with the event; but many expressed unease about the prizes: namely the message this leaves and the fact that the prizes end up as landfill.
Allan pointed out that the Heart & Stroke Foundation didn’t focus on the prizes but instead focused on its being heart healthy message. Council members asked that next time school should request that there be no prizes.
Paula liked that the fundraising came from the administration and the teachers. She said that it’s good for students to see different groups in the community supporting different initiatives for kids.
Allan said he would look into surveying parents next year about these fundraisers.
As for the prizes, another option would be to keep them and put them toward Loonieland at Fun Fair in 2013.

b. Grade 6 graduation is on track and the trip is organized. The trophies have also been ordered. The Graduation Committee discussed using certificates instead of trophies this year. Council members discussed this and said there was more sentimental value attached to trophies.
c. Wayne, Wilkinson’s previous caretaker, is returning. But the school is losing Tom.
d. Wilkinson will have a full-time Special Needs Assistant starting in September.
e. Volunteer breakfast was a big hit
f. Parent council initiatives this year have been great and Allan and Leasa have received very positive feedback from parents. They’re always sure to let parents know that it’s the council who is behind those initiatives.
g. Snack program hasn’t been confirmed yet for 2012-2013. At Wilkinson, the EAs helped prepare the snacks, but now the school will have to pay for someone to come in. Allan will let parents know before the end of the year.

6. Treasurer’s report: See financials on the website and also AGM notes.
7. Funding requests: Council approved a request of $110 for supplies for the vegetable garden.
Motion: Paula Weekes-Kahn. Seconded: Martin Saxton.
8. Dandylion Daycare: No news at this time.

9. Childcare at Council Events: Ruby Lederman suggested council standardize a policy regarding who we hire at our Wilkitchens, workshops, meetings, etc., to mind the younger children.
It’s important that council set out:
a. Age and skill set.
b. Salary
c. Have one adult run this.
Ruby pointed out that childcare needs more formality as we’re entrusting our children with the students/babysitters. The students/babysitters need CPR, First Aid, the Babysitting Course, etc. It will help committee chairs as well when they’re organizing events to have a go-to person and a go-to document. Council also needs one person to oversee this and check up on the kids. So far childcare has been happening informally.

10. Committee Updates:

a. Arts: No news to report.
b. Communications: No news to report.
c. Education: Internet Safety Workshop: Bipasha Choudhury, chair, said the event had an excellent turnout and excellent feedback from parents. Using Survey Monkey, a survey was sent out two days later and had a 70 per cent response rate. Parents gave the event top marks and the majority of parents said it was useful. Parents also said they heard of the event mainly by e-mail and through word of mouth. The translated posters helped and Bipasha thanked Ayesha and Raihana for spreading the word in their community.
The survey also asked parents about other topics for future workshops and found parents are interested in: health, literacy, numeracy, full-day kindergarten, and building self-esteem and confidence in children.
d. Fundraising:
-Movie Nights: Susan Haney says the last one is coming up on June 15, 2012 with The Lorax. Volunteers always welcome.
-Fun Fair: April Moon, FF lead, said this past Fun Fair on May 26, 2012 was a huge success and community effort. But the event still didn’t have enough volunteers. It would be great to have more teachers volunteer throughout the day. Dandylion Daycare sent most of its staff for several shifts.
But overall it was a great day and thank you to everyone!
e. Greening: no news to report.
f. Health & Safety: no news to report.

11. Report back/follow-up items: Over time.
12. New business/Other items for future meeting: Over time.
13. Adjournment/Farewell: Paula thanked Karen Wiseman, who has been a long-time council member but whose daughter is now graduating, for her dedication and hard work.
Paula also thanked the council for a job well done and wished everyone a great summer.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
Motion: Paul Dobson. Seconded: Sharon Hennessey.