Wilkinson School Community Council
Meeting Minutes
September 19, 2011

Present: Allan Kelly (Principal), Leasa Adams (Vice Principal), Sarah Gillespie, Ruby Lederman, April Moon, Alison Motluk, Erin Vaillancourt, Paula Weekes Kahn, Karen Wiseman, Laura Bullard, , Susan Haney, Martin Saxton, Leslie Domenico, Paul Dobson, Kris Kearns

Jill Spellman, Raihana Figar, Deanna Roselen, Heather Fitzgerald
Sharon Hennessey, Moira MacDonald, Jill Maslanka (Magazine Fundraising)

Recorder: Laura Bullard

Meeting called to order at 7:10pm

1. Welcome and introductions.
Paula welcomed council back from summer holiday. Our guests were introduced.

2. Approval of the agenda

Motion: April Moon
Seconded: Erin Vaillancourt

3. Approval of June 11 minutes
Clarification required (word change) to #7. Funding Requests. Council approved $1500 to fund ukulele programme.

4. TDSB Fundraising Presentation

Jill Maslanka presented a fundraising opportunity through QSP. QSP is a Canada’s #1 Magazine Fundraiser. Fundraising efforts and administration is convenient. There appears to be a general interest in supporting the program. Council members took packages and asked questions, no committments were made.

5. Treasurer’s report
As of August 31, 2011, we had $18,360.00 in the bank. We’re in good shape to start the year. Martin walked through (high level) the Profit and Loss statement for September 2010 – August 2011.

6. Principal and Vice Principal’s Update
Allan welcomed everyone back and indicated a smooth start to the school year. No major re-orgs in terms of classrooms – minimal disruptions and no construction! Two new staff, LTO Melissa Morgan and Nick Caukner Grade 6 extended French. There will be several Co-op students volunteering at Wilkie this year; they will be students from U of T, and Ryerson.

Sports teams are up and running. Terry Fox run will be on September 28
th and will most likely become an annual event. Curriculum night is Thursday September 22nd and this year Wilkinson will host a ‘Carousel of Communities’ Approximately 24 community organizations will be on hand to meet parents. This is a Cathy Dandy initiative to bring schools and communities together. Booths will be represented by various organizations such as Girl Guides, CAMH and other public health reps.

Teachers love the new smart boards.

School received a $500 donation from TD Bank for the Ukulele club.

Toonie Tuesday will take place board wide on September 20 to aid East Africa. Student will enjoy a presentation by Melissa Morgan who was recently in East Africa.

Leasa provided a high level overview of the EQAO results. We have strong numbers in Reading and Writing; however we have some work to do in the Math results. Although we are on side with the Board numbers, we can improve with further developing the students on the inquiry-based model adopted by the Board. Also known as 3-part math, it will be the preferred learning concept going forward.

7. Funding requests

Susan requested funding to purchase first aid material for movie night, specifically burn gel. A motion for up to $50 was made by Sarah and seconded by Martin. Approved.

8. Dandylion

No update this month.

9. Pumpkinfest
Pumpkinfest will be on October 23rd this year starting at noon. Ruby will be looking for volunteers and asked for members to seek out individuals that would be interested in selling their wares and buying a $10 table.

10. Choir rehearsal – Volunteers needed
April is seeking more volunteers to help set up choir practices every Wednesday (as requested by Ms Levy). Please contact April if you can help.

11. Committee updates

a) Arts
Deanna and April explored various options for this year’s arts program. No commitments have been made but last year’s budget amount was $3500.

b) Communications
October newsletter is under development – deadline for submissions is September 21st.

Movie NIght
: First movie night September 23rd – Cars 2. Second one is scheduled for October 28th – Spooky Buddies. Susan would like to meet with volunteers who will be taking over movie nights.

Pizza lunches:
Laarni has agreed to take on the first 3 pizza lunches providing someone is shadowing her to take over.

Health and Safety: There will be a school committee led by Allan again this year, ideally with a parent rep. Sarah voiced her concern over the cross walk issues, cars not stopping, speeding etc. Erin echoed her concerns and has taken some preliminary action in terms of trying to get support from the police. Sarah will also follow up with her contact.

Direct donation -
started early this year and already off to a great start!

Tattoos are for sell each morning and also at curriculum night.

Paul brought forward a discussion that we started last year regarding ‘opting out’ of being on the parent council. There was a discussion around potential bylaw changes that would be required etc. The new council should look at this further; perhaps it’s a larger discussion around the constitution.

Adjournment at 8:20pm
Motion: Martin
Seconded: Paula