Wilkinson School Community Council
Meeting Minutes
February 7th, 2011

Present (12 total): Leasa Adams (Vice Principal), Paul Dobson, Heather Fitzgerald, Sarah-Jane Gillespie, Kris Kearns, Allan Kelly (Principle), Kirsten McGoey, Martin Saxton, Saeka Shaikh, Erin Vaillancourt, Paula Weekes Khan, Karen Wiseman

Regrets (9 total): Leslie Domenico, Carolyn Eagle, Susan Haney, Ruby Lederman, April Moon, Alison Motluk, David Philips, Deanna Rosolen, Jill Spellman

Guests: Karen Anthony (executive director, Dandylion Daycare)

Meeting called to order 7:10 pm

1) Welcome and Introductions: Paula (Council Chair) Quorum was in question (not many in attendance and some showed up a bit later). It was decided that any major issues (especially with regards to funding) would be held until the following Council meeting with hopes that there would be more in attendance.

2) Agenda: Approved with no changes. Motion – Erin Vaillancourt, Seconded – Sarah-Jane Gillespie.

3) Minutes from January 10: Approved with no changes. Motion – Saeka Shaikh, Seconded – Martin Saxton

4) Principle’s Update:

a. See Hear – Vision and Hearing test is being brought to the school. They test for hearing and vision issues, and if they determine there is an issue they refer the family to an optometrist/hearing specialist. Cost: 10$ per family (students only). This service could include Dandylion children as well.

b. Sports –Basketball and Hockey is ongoing and doing well.

c. Students participated in a Dragon Dance to celebrate the Lunar New Year

d. The ukulele club had a performance.

e. Clarification – The students were posed a hypothetical question that relates to the school. Some of the questions include “Mr. Kelly is planning on cutting afternoon recess” and “Mr. Kelly is cutting funding to music/sport programs”. These are simply debate questions, and are not actually happening at Wilkinson.

f. Report Cards – They are being worked on and are successfully going out.

g. Safe Schools – The meeting in January was snowed out and is to be rescheduled for February. Lighting has been restored in the school yard.

h. Performances – “O is for Ogre” has been postponed until March. Wisdom of Ages for Grades 4-6 is scheduled for Feb 9th.

i. Smart Boards – Allan Kelly to arrange for a presentation of the new Smart Boards to the council (to show how they work and their benefits as a teaching aid). Each board is approximately 3000$.

5) Treasurer’s Update:
a. Current balance: 23, 154.50$
b. Mural is paid for (less than originally budgeted)
c. Discussion of grade 6 Graduation brought up – Not specifically about funding, but looking for possible alternate venues (the boat ride “wasn’t very good”)

6) Photographer’s Presentation: Took place at the beginning of the meeting (approx 10 minutes in length). Spiro is a school photographer with the company “Bright Pics”. They already take pictures for approximately 150 schools in the GTA. Mention (from other council members) that Wilkinson has already switched photographers recently, so we don’t necessarily have history with our current supplier. Spiro mentioned not only the ability to do “Green Screening” (the ability to take a picture of a student and replace the background with a selection of pre-existing backgrounds), but also that they have done family portraits at other schools as a fund raising initiative.

7) Funding Requests: None at this point. Discussion about increasing the amount of money per student for field-trips was delayed until the following meeting with respect to quorum.

8) Dandylion Daycare: Nothing new to report, other than the cupcakes will be ready for the Sweetheart Bake Sale on Valentine’s Day.

9) Increase Funding for Field Trips – delayed until March council meeting due to lack of attendance.

10) Internet Safety Workshop – Allan Kelly sent out information. Heather Fitzgerald had some time to review it and found it to be somewhat lacking, especially for the amount of money that is being asked for. The presentation seemed very PC based, with little to no information for Mac products, or other forms of technology (I-phones, Smart phones, Nintendo DS, X-Box, PS3, etc). Looking to follow up with 54th Division to discuss if they are willing to present internet/online safety.

11) Wilkitchen – Very successful. Most people in attendance so far (40 -50 people participated), and fun was had by all.

12) Committee Updates:

a. Arts – African drumming in the schools for Black History month

b. Communications – T-shirt pre-orders will be taken in the front foyer Feb 22 – 25th. Posters are already in the schools and order forms are available in the school and online. Jill Spellman will be the council representative for Kindergarten registration early morning for the week of Feb 22-25, and is looking for volunteers to help with that. The e-newsletter insert has already been sent out. The deadline for new submissions for the next newsletter is Feb 18th.

c. Fundraising:
i. Movie Night – Next movie night is Feb 25th. The movie is Tangled (a pre-release). Looking for help in setting up, during the event and clean up.
ii. Sweetheart Bake Sale – Taking place Valentine’s Day (Feb14th). Note to label any non-Halal foods as such. Note: Betty Crocker icing is Halal. A question about non-sweets and if that is acceptable. It seemed to go over well last year, so no one had any strong objections for non-sweets to be sold again this year.
iii. Chocolate Sales – Leasa will talk to teachers to determine a date for the winning classes to have their Pizza Lunch.
iv. Fun Fair – Will have leads meeting February 17th to discuss where people want to be placed. Need leads for the following: Auction, Loony Land, and Dream Baskets. First official meeting will take place March 7th at 5:30, before the council meeting. Fun Fair to take place May 28th.

d. Greening and Grounds: Kirsten McGoey has talked to Home Depot and has gotten through the first stage for getting supplies donated, and will continue with the process. Scheduled a meeting of Greening and Grounds in February at Kirsten’s house to discuss the garden and cleaning of the grounds.
e. Health and Safety: Nothing new to report, covered in Principle’s Update under Safe Schools.

13) Report Back and Follow Up Items: None

14) New Business/Other items for Future Meeting: Mention was made of a Technology Audit, looking at Mobile Computer Strategy and long term goals. This will be further discussed after the Smart Board presentation.

Adjournment at 8:20 pm. Motion- Kirsten McGoey, Seconded- Martin Saxton.