Wilkinson School Community Council
Meeting Minutes
January 10, 2011

Present: Leasa Adams (vice-principal), Paul Dobson, Leslie Domenico, Carolyn Eagle, Helen Ferraro, Heather Fitzgerald, Kris Kearns, Allan Kelly (principal), Ruby Lederman, April Moon, Deanna Rosolen, Martin Saxton, Sam Vrakking, Paula Weekes Kahn (council chair),

Regrets: Sarah-Jane Gillespie, Susan Haney, Kirsten McGoey, Alison Motluk, David Phillips, Saeka Shaikh, Jill Spellman, Karen Wiseman

Guests: Karen Anthony (executive director, Dandylion Daycare)

Recorder: Deanna Rosolen

Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m.

1. Welcome and Introductions: Paula (council chair).

2. Agenda: No changes. Motion to approve agenda. Motion: Paul Dobson. Seconded: April Moon.

3. Minutes from Dec. 13: no changes. Motion to approve agenda. Motion: Kris Kearns. Seconded: Sam Vrakking.

4. Principal’s update:

-Ministry has issued Parents in Partnership: A Parent Engagement Policy.

-Windows are done, only minor details left. Most have their blinds up. All the work outside is complete. Painting is finished.

-The school has implemented Hall Passes. Each classroom has been issued two passes. If students are in the hall, they need to have a pass. The aim is for added safety.

-Attendance Monitoring: The administration is in the process of installing Hall Folders outside each classroom. Attendance sheets to be left in the folders.

-Descriptive Feedback: Refers to a way of giving feedback to students. Two junior teachers from the five schools in our district were invited to a seminar on the topic. A ministry representative and the superintendant were also present. Students’ work was shared to see how it was marked and what feedback teachers gave the students. The group discussed Descriptive Feedback and how it could be applied.
In February, the same group will meet again to talk about how Descriptive Feedback was used and how it worked. The teachers were asked to pass on what they learned at their next staff meeting.

-The Wilkinson Hockey Team won its first game at Moss Park!!

-There will be a Safe Schools Meeting in February. The date and time will be announced. The purpose will be to follow up on all the initiatives from the first meeting: Hall Passes, School Ambassadors, emergency lights (fixed), extra garbage cans, lighting around the school (fixed) and doors (some weren’t closing properly but have now been fixed).

5. Treasurer’s report:

Council’s bank balance is now $25,193.84.
Chocolate sales as of Jan. 10 are: $9,179.37.

6. Funding requests: None at this time.
Teachers have asked for additional field trip funding. Council can adjust the budget, but it couldn’t be added to this agenda. Will be on the agenda for the Feb. 7 council meeting.

7. The question was raised about school IT issues and whether or not we should have an update from the IT representatives. Some questions include:
-What equipment do we have?
-Can we enhance it?
Also, the Parent Council can help with funding requests; an issue that we can look into and include in budget for next year.
Allan Kelly will look at having someone from IT in for the March Parent Council meeting. Nothing confirmed at this time.

8. Dandylion Daycare: Karen Anthony (executive director). The centre will contribute cupcakes for this year’s Sweetheart Bake Sale (Feb. 14).

9. Kindergarten Registration: Taking place Feb. 23, 24 and 25. Everything on schedule. Parent Council is looking for volunteers for the Council table.

10. Wil-Kitchen: To take place Jan. 28. Menu to include Greek and Lebanese dishes. Starts at 6 p.m. and must end by 9 p.m. There will be a children’s table (where they can prepare simple dishes) and child care. Posters for the event will be up around the school.

11. T-shirts: Flyer to go out for “Wilkinson Spirit Wear.” Parent Council will be collecting orders from Feb. 7-11 from 8:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. It will take two to three weeks for delivery.

Committee Updates:

12. Arts Committee: Events are booked. Study guides are out. The committee has come in just over budget at $3,519. The committee will need teachers to have classes provide reviews or pictures after the performances. Will also need someone to take pictures.

13. Communications Committee: Next newsletter to go out Feb. 1. Working to create an e-mail list for parents who prefer to receive the newsletter electronically.

14. Movie Night: Upcoming Movie Night is Jan. 14. Next one is Feb. 25 with the movie Tangled.
Still short of volunteers. Pass it on: If picking up children after school, for instance, it would be greatly appreciated if parents could come in just for 15 minutes to help with set up.
Susan Haney is also looking for someone to take Movie Night over for next year. Council may post this in the next newsletter.

15. Badminton Nights: The school gym is permitted every Friday night. Ruby Lederman’s husband, Brady, will run drop-in badminton from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The focus will be on developing skills and playing. Wilkinson has all the equipment. This will take place every Friday, except Movie Night Fridays.

16. Sweetheart Bake Sale: To start at 11:15 a.m. on Feb. 14. Students to have notices by Feb. 7. A letter will be going out for nut-free and Halal treat donations. Communications Committee to run last year’s letter in February newsletter. Will also have other items (stuffed animals, balls, other trinkets) for sale.

17. Chocolate Sales: Went really well. Still have some outstanding funds, about $800. Erin to follow up.
When Parent Council purchases the chocolates, the company gives us a bag of prizes. The basketballs were donated to the gym. The rest of the prizes will go toward fund-raising for Fun Fair. Ms. Allan and Ms. Cook’s classrooms won the pizza lunches.

18. Mabel’s Labels: Another easy fundraiser. Over the past year we’ve made $200.

19. Parent Council Board: Ready for posting notices. Paul Dobson has offered to take care of this.

20. Greening Committee: Working on program to keep schoolyard clean.

21. Report Back/Follow-up Items: None at this time.

22. New Business: For next agenda to discuss funding for school trips.

23. Adjournment at 8:10 p.m. Motion: Sam Vrakking. Seconded: Ruby Lederman.