Wilkinson School Community Council
Meeting Minutes
December 13, 2010

Present: Leasa Adams (vice-principal), Paul Dobson, Leslie Domenico, Susan Haney, Kris Kearns, Allan Kelly (principal), Kirsten McGoey, Deanna Rosolen, Martin Saxton, Jill Spellman, Paula Weekes Kahn (council chair), Sam Vrakking, Karen Wiseman

Regrets: Laura Bullard-Brezovsky, Carolyn Eagle, Sarah-Jane Gillespie, Heather Fitzgerald, Raihana Ingar, April Moon, Alison Motluk, Erin Vaillancourt

Meeting called to order at 7:07 p.m.

Recorder: Deanna Rosolen

1. Welcome and Introductions: Paula (council chair) welcomed everyone.

2. Approval of the Agenda:

Agenda was approved. Motion: Jill Spellman. Seconded: Sam Vrakking.

3. Meeting clarification: The October meeting was pushed into November’s meeting. So there were two sets of minutes, but really it was one long meeting.

4. November meeting minutes review:

- Mural project: discussed, approved and cost is much less than anticipated.
- Council purpose: Keep this in mind when making decisions. In everything we do, focus on what is best for whole school community.
- Council communications: All notices to school community must first be approved by school’s administration and Parent Council chair. Send all communications to both principal, vice-principal and council chair.
- Clarification! The Direct Donation program will not include a set initiative in its request for donations. It will request general funds for “things that are generally funded by the parent council.”
The Wigwam in the kindergarten park was funded by donations two years ago (not last year).
- Fun Fair: Create a communications sub-committee for the Fun Fair. Assign a go-to person for communications.

November meeting minutes approved. Motion: Kirsten McGoey. Seconded: Paul Dobson.

5. Principal’s update:

- Painting and windows: Moving along faster than expected. To be completed by January.

- Mural: Also coming along. Children to put their mark on the mural by end of December (before Holiday break) or by early January. Should be completed by end of January.

- School concert: Was very successful. Students gave impressive performance. Door donations totalled $465.

- Junior choir: To perform at Koerner Hall at the Royal Conservatory of Music on Bloor Street on Jan. 12.

- Curriculum update: The principal and vice-principal have been conducting walk-throughs; going into classrooms and taking notes. This is not an evaluation of teachers, but meant to promote professional dialogue. The principal and vice-principal are looking to see what’s on classroom walls, if children are engaged, etc. They expected to have hit all the classrooms by mid-December. This is a new initiative for Wilkinson.

- Pathways: To focus on writing (in Grades 1 to 6), specifically persuasive writing where students have to defend an argument.

- Vests or sweaters for school ambassadors to wear (when taking guests on tours, for example). School ambassadors are selected from the Grade 6s and will be those students who have demonstrated leadership skills. The aim is to let them develop those skills. 15 tops to be ordered with the Spirit Wear.

- Wilkinson is looking to ban certain items such as scooters, hockey sticks and baseball bats. This is not a critical issue at the moment since it’s winter but it might make sense to decide now for spring. For now it’s an issue we can discuss. Suggestions are welcome.

- Parent Kirsten McGoey asked about the missing benches on the first floor by the kindergarten classrooms. From some parents’ perspective it’s easier to remove children’s boots with the benches there. But as Allan Kelly explained, the benches caused parents and guardians to congregate on the floor and socialize. The noise was disruptive. The benches also caused more congestion in the hallway. He emphasized that the main foyer and hallway are not for socializing.

6. Treasurer’s update:

Parent council’s bank balance as of this meeting is: $26,627.86. This sum includes the chocolate sales, which were $9,179.37.
Martin Saxton (treasurer) raised the issue of suggesting a sum in our Direct Donation program: “This is what we suggest $__ or any amount would be fine.” The consensus was that this wasn’t a bad idea but Wilkinson’s demographic is very different and we need to be cognizant of this.
Leasa Adams (vice-principal) also suggested that we send the Direct Donation forms out in September, perhaps with the Welcome package. But the question was raised as to whether parents are already bombarded with forms and requests at this point.
It was also suggested that we have a visual symbol for our fund-raising plans, such as a thermometer.

7. Jill Spellman held an unofficial school fundraiser in her home. Her Pampered Chef party raised $400.

8. Funding requests: None at this time.

9. Dandylion Daycare: No updates at this time.

10. Kindergarten registration: Jill Spellman will be representing the Parent Council. This year a table will be set up outside of the Fireside room.

11. Wilkinson’s parent handbook is being updated and will eventually be posted on the school’s website.

12. Spirit wear:

Jill Spellman and April Moon are working on this. The total cost for the tops is: $3,064.50. The plan is to order 100 adult size and 100 youth size. This cost also includes the fee for the four screens that have been used on the tops.
T-shirts will be sold at $15 each and sweats will be sold at $20 (youth size) and $25 (adult size).
Discussion turned to whether 200 units is too much: Will we be able to sell them? If we don’t sell them, will we be able to store them and keep track of the inventory? It was also suggested that the cost of the youth T-shirts be lowered and the difference added to the adult tops.
Paula added that the Council is putting this cost up now but won’t see any benefits until the new year (2011).

Spirit wear cost approved. Motion: Sam Vrakking. Seconded: Kirsten McGoey.

13. A suggestion was raised to have a “store” at Fun Fair to sell cookbooks, clothes, water bottles.

14. Arts Committee:

This committee has met. At this point the committee will be finalizing the list of performances and expects to come within budget ($3,500.00). The committee is also meeting its mandate of at least two performances per grade from Grades 1 to 6, and one performance for the junior and senior kindergarten classes. The committee would also like to invite the preschool room from Dandylion Daycare to attend the kindergarten performances.

15. Communications Committee:

There will be no newsletter for January.
Jill Spellman will be sending out the outline for the February newsletter.
In future, the committee may look at posting overflow content on the website. Also, the committee may add teasers in the newsletter, directing readers to the website for more information or for the rest of the item.

16. Movie Night:

The December movie night was a great success. It raised more than $400. New signs will be posted that read: “No adults are permitted without a child. No child is permitted without an adult.”
Volunteer turnout wasn’t bad, but could be better.
Next movie night is Jan. 14.

17. Sweetheart Bake Sale:

Sam Vrakking is looking after this event. The suggestion was made that Dandylion Daycare not bake cupcakes this year as we had too many last year. Savoury items may be added this year. The sale to take place Feb. 14.

18. Direct Donation program: Raised just more than $1,500.00.

19. Greening Committee: There is a committee now!
The committee has met and even began discussing work on a 2015 anniversary project. The committee is looking at using the garden by the gym for this, which will need some prep work. The suggestion was made to turn it into a Canada garden, with different areas representing each province. Committee member John has mapped out a plan for the garden and will try to get a grant from Evergreen. The gym garden needs to be worked on now as it will likely need a couple of years before it’s ready for 2015.
The suggestion was made to post signs on the trees in the field to deter children from climbing them.
The north Learning garden will need a roto tiller to remove the grasses.
The committee says there is a group of parents who are interested in growing vegetables.

20. Follow-up items: None.

21. New Business/Other items: None.

22. Adjournment at 8:40 p.m.
Meeting was adjourned. Motion: Jill Spellman. Seconded: Karen Wiseman.