Wilkinson School Community Council
Meeting Minutes
Monday September 13, 2010

Present: Leasa Adams (VP), Varathan Aiyadurai, Rachel Ault (Staff Rep.), Laura Bullard, Paul Dobson, Sarah-Jane Gillespie, Susan Haney, Paula Weekes Kahn, Kris Kearns, Allan Kelly (Principal), Kirsten McGoey, Alison Motluk, Jill Spellman, Erin Vaillancourt, Sam Vrakking, Karen Wiseman.

Regrets: Jay Friedman, Ruby Lederman, April Moon, Saeka Shaikh.

Guests: Karen Anthony (Dandylion Daycare), Shannon Estabrook, Helen Ferraro, Rhihana Ingar, Bruce MacDonald, Janet Mann, Deanna Rosolen, Martin Saxton

Recorder: Karen Wiseman

Meeting called to order at 7:10 pm

1. Welcome and Introductions
Paula welcomed everyone.

2. Approval of the Agenda
Agenda was approved. Motion: Sarah Gillespie. Seconded: Kris Kearns.

3. Approval of June 7th, 2010 meeting minutes
Minutes were approved. One change was made to the second Funding Request to $75.00, not $7500. Motion: Sam Vrakking. Seconded: Alison Motluk.

4. Principal’s Update
Allan Kelly, the new principal, introduced himself. He is glad to be here.

a. Windows. A letter was sent home to parents with an update on the status of the installation of the windows. The status changes daily. The work is on schedule. The new panes on the inside have been installed. To finish each classroom the students will be displaced for one day, the kindergarten rooms will be worked on during other times. He is trying to get the overhang of the roof painted as part of this job.

b. Safe and Caring Schools Committee. This new committee will be formed this year with two staff members Jackie Currie and Margaret Maholovich and the principal. One or two parent representatives can be on this committee. To start the Safe & Caring School Committee will have a walk around of the entire school to list any concerns.

c. Eco School Committee. This committee has not had its first meeting yet. Money will need to be fundraised for their activities. Rachel Beatty and Kirsten McGoey are on this committee.

d. Painting Project. The entire interior of the school is to be painted this year. The issue of whether or not existing murals should be painted over or not will be discussed at the future council meeting. The date of the painting has not been announced yet.

5. Treasurer’s Report.
As of September there is $23, 460.02 in the bank account. At the next council meeting the new council will decide on the allocation of these funds for the 2010-2011 school year.

6. Funding Requests.
There was one funding request from the new librarian, Joel Krentz, which Leasa will bring forward at our next meeting.

7. Dandylion Daycare.
Karen Anthony thanked the council for advertising the vacancy in the daycare in the September issue of the Wilkinson newsletter.

8. Chocolate Sales.
Erin Vaillancourt has ordered 150 cases. The plan discussed today was to sell chocolates from October 1st to October 29th (4 week cycle). On October 1st there will be an assembly and individual classes will be visited. Paul Dobson volunteered to help Erin. There will be prizes. Erin needs to get a copy of the class lists.

9. Pumpkin Event.
The tentative date is Saturday October 23, 2010. Paula and Ruby will send out an email asking for volunteers closer to the date of the event.

10. T-shirt Design.
Jill Spellman is working on the design. She will send out the designs via email for the council members to vote on. The job will be sourced out. The plan is to have order forms available in late October/early November. The product will be delivered in December. This is a not for profit project. Susan mentioned that more “volunteer” t-shirts need to be ordered as our stock is low.

11. Committee Updates

a.) Arts.
April was away. This year April would like $3500.00 earmarked for Arts programming. She would like some new volunteers to join this committee. They meet informally and if you have an interest or are involved in the arts please consider joining this group.

b.) Communications.
Jill Spellman would like to see the newsletter come out the first week of every month therefore the deadline for submissions is the end of each month. Gerald will continue to do the layout. The committee is planning to update the website this year.

c.) Fundraising.
Movie Nights. The first movie night is Friday September 24 playing Toy Story 3. Volunteers are needed, please contact Susan Haney. The plan for the second movie night is Friday October 22 playing Despicable Me. This date may change due to the Pumpkin Event. Susan asked Paul Dobson for ideas about the lighting outside the entrance door on Movie night, he will work on it.

d.) Greening.
Clean up date to be announced. Anyone interested in this committee, please contact Kirsten McGoey. There is still $500.00 allocated to this committee from last year that was not spent. The project to enhance the kindergarten play area is still in progress.

e.) Health and Safety.
Sarah has no new news. Some parents complained about their children cleaning in their classrooms as a result of the window replacement. Leasa stated that students are often asked to clean/tidy their classrooms. Erin brought up the issue of the burning trash can in the playground and older non Wilkinson students smoking pot in the school stairwells. Allan Kelly suggested telephoning the police to increase police visits and the possibility of increasing security. These two deterrents often don’t stop the problem. This issue and further concerns will be brought up on the Safe & Caring Schools Committee. Sarah volunteered for this committee and Karen Anthony of Dandylion Daycare would also like to join this committee.

12. Report Back/Follow Up Items
Leasa will arrange the commemorative event of the Tulip Tree for Tanya in the fall. The council contribution is $300.00. The students raised $415.00. The All Day Learning list of schools is not available yet. Martin Saxton asked about having an all day Science event. It was suggested that this type of event be set up outside the council events.

13. New Business/Other Items for future meeting
No items.

14. Adjournment at 8:18 pm
Meeting was adjourned. Motion: Sam Vrakking. Seconded: Paula Weekes Kahn.