Wilkinson School Community Council
Meeting Minutes
Monday June 7, 2010

Present: Leasa Adams (VP), Rachel Ault (Staff Rep.), Carol Bennett, Laura Bullard, Paul Dobson, Sarah-Jane Gillespie, John Hykel, Paula Weekes Kahn, Kris Kearns, Kirsten McGoey, Alison Motluk, Saeka Shaikh, Jill Spellman, Erin Vaillancourt, Sam Vrakking, Karen Wiseman.

Regrets: Varathan Aiyadurai, Jay Friedman, Susan Haney, April Moon, George Rowell (Acting Principal).

Guests: Martin Saxton.

Recorder: Karen Wiseman

Meeting called to order at 6:33 pm

1. Welcome and Introductions
Paula welcomed everyone.

2. Approval of the Agenda
Agenda was approved. Motion: Jill Spellman. Seconded: Paula Weekes Kahn.

3. Approval of May 10, 2010 meeting minutes
Minutes were approved. Motion: Sam Vrakking. Seconded: Laura Bullard.

4. Principal's Update
George Rowell away. Leasa read his notes.
The staffing model with teachers has been published. The changes were requested by teachers and the new teachers were all rated excellent by their current principals.

We are more than half way through the EQAO testing. We only have two mornings to go.

We had a quarter release day for teacher to work collaboratively on developing their skills around literacy. Today they did moderated marking. While the teachers were working on moderated marking, we held Character Education assemblies for the students. This month the Character Trait is Perseverance.

There is a revised Health and Physical Education curriculum coming out in the fall. Initially it was going to be released earlier, but the section on sex education had to be changed because of public disapproval.

Reporting will be a little different next year. The forms have changed and the report in the fall will not have grades but instead will have more emphasis on the learning skills. Progress will be indicated by the following categories “Progressing With Difficulty”, “Progressing Well”, “Progressing Very Well”.

Colin Doyle the captain of the Toronto Rock Lacrosse Team came in to speak to the students. He showed the students the basic skills of lacrosse and he talked to them about teamwork, respect and perseverance. Thank you to Sarah Jane Gillespie for suggesting that I get in touch with their program. We will be receiving free tickets to a game in the fall.

There are no more team sports at this point.

Today 17 students participated in the South Conference final Track Meet.
Our Ukulele Group is developing quite a reputation. We have had several schools visit to hear the group perform. Our superintendent was here for one of their performances and was quite impressed.

We currently have 6 students away at the TDSB Music Camp.

Upcoming Dates
June 14 Kindergarten orientation 9:00 to 11:00 am
June 15 10:30 am Club and Sports Assembly 10:30 am
June 18 (rain date of 21) Play Day. Thank you to everyone who volunteered.
June 21 Kindergarten Graduation
June 22 Grade 6 classes go on their boat cruise
June 25 Report cards go home which will state the student's teacher for the fall
June 28 Grade 6 Graduation 4:00 pm
June 29 Last day of school
June 30 PA day

September 1 in the afternoon all teachers will attend a convention at the ACC with the focus being on school improvement. Some leading experts in education will speak (Dr. Avis Glaze, Wayne Hulley). One parent from each school is invited.

A tulip tree has been chosen to honour Tanya. It will be planted in October or November. A ceremony will be planned for the planting.

5. Remarks from the Chair-Thanks for a successful year
Paula thanked George Rowell for stepping in during Tanya's absence. Three parents were thanked for their contributions to the Community Council Carol Bennett, John Hykel and Daphne McCormack. A certificate and gift bag was given to these three parents who are leaving. Paula thanked them for their help, patience and many hours of volunteering.

6. Treasurer's Report-Hand out
John gave overview of Statement. The Fun Fair gross sales $20,670.73, net $16, 739.20. There should be about $20,830.76 to start off next year. The Greening Committee has not spent their $500.00. Everything else was under budget except Field trips. Please submit any outstanding invoices as soon as possible. John submits the numbers to the School Board in mid July. Also, Paula has signing authority should anyone need to contact someone over the summer.

7. Funding Requests
First request from Ruby Lederman $300.00 for the Teacher Appreciation Luncheon. Motion Paula Weekes Kahn. Seconded by Kirsten McGoey. Approved.
Second request $75.00 for three $25.00 gift certificates for the three janitors. Motion John Hykel. Seconded Paul Dobson. Approved.
Third request from Marianne Di lorio $75.00 for books as retirement gifts for Tanya Sterioff and Mr. Carrigan. Motion Ruby Lederman. Seconded Erin Vallaincourt. Approved.

8. Dandylion Daycare
Erin had no report. Leasa thanked all the volunteers from the daycare who helped out at the Fun Fair.

9. Chocolate Sales
Erin Vaillancourt will order 150 cases now to arrive in October. They will be ordered from World's Finest Chocolate recommended by the TDSB. We have had the same product before. The cases will be mixed and cost $30.00 for each case. Initiatives to sell chocolates may include an iPod shuffle, classroom pizza party or Scholastic gift certificate. The plan is to sell mid October and to finish mid November (4 week cycle).
Motion to buy 150 cases of chocolate bars Jill Spellman. Seconded Ruby Lederman. Approved.

10. Playground Proposal
The Playground Committee will work directly with the administration and new principal. It will be a parent school initiative not a school Community Council project. An ad in the newsletter will ask for volunteers. Fund raising would come to Council.

11. Committee Updates
a.) Arts.
April was away. Ms. Bartkiw and any other parents who would like to attend the Prologue for Performing Arts can go to the event. April sent out an opinion sheet to teachers regarding the Arts programs that happened this year. Next year April would like $3500.00 earmarked for Arts programming. She would like to keep the programming of two performances per grade.

b.) Communications.
Sam Vrakking has volunteered to be the chair next year. Jill Spellman will continue to oversee the newsletter. Jill will try to look at the web page over the summer.

c.) Fundraising.
Fun Fair. April was away. Paula read a letter from April. April thanked all the volunteers who gave over 700 hours to make this event happen--the Dandylion Daycare volunteers, staff and parents. The net was over $16.000.00
Movie Nights. No movie night in June.
Badminton. Last meeting on Friday June 25.

d.) Greening.
The Garden Party will be on June 12th from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm. Twenty-seven people have said they are coming via the email invitation. Kirsten needs to know what food people will be bringing. The Art project and installing new boards will start this summer. Leasa will find out about the boards.

e.) Health and Safety.
Sarah reported no news this meeting.

12. Report Back/Follow Up Items
No items.

13. New Business/Other Items for future meeting
Dates for next year needed for Friday nights and Fun Fair to get permits.

14. Adjournment at 7:38 pm
Meeting was adjourned. Motion: Sam Vrakking. Seconded: Paula Weekes Kahn.
AGM meeting to follow.