Wilkinson School Community Council
Meeting Minutes
Monday January 11, 2010

Present: Leasa Adams, Rachel Ault, Carol Bennett, Laura Bullard, Jay Friedman, Sarah-Jane Gillespie, Paula Weekes Kahn, Ruby Lederman, Kirsten McGoey, April Moon, Saeka Shaikh, Tanya Sterioff, Erin Vaillancourt, Sam Vrakking, Karen Wiseman.

Regrets: John Hykel, Alison Motluk, Jill Spellman.

Absent: Varathan Aiyadurai, Paul Dobson, Chris Kearns.

Guests: Raihana Ingar, Linda Kalaftides.

Recorder: Karen Wiseman

Meeting called to order at 7:04 pm

1. Welcome and Introductions
Paula welcomed everyone. Introductions of our guests Linda Kalaftides and Raihana Ingar were made.

2. Approval of the Agenda
Motion: Paula Weekes Kahn. Seconded: Kirsten McGoey.

3. Approval of December 14th meeting minutes
Changes were notated by the secretary. Minutes were approved. Motion: April Moon. Seconded: Sam Vrakking.

4. Principal’s Update
Aboriginal storyteller on Tuesday January 12th for the junior division.
Charlie concert on Wednesday at 9:00 am in gym for JK to grade 3.
Tuesday January 19th the grade 6 students will be visiting Earl Grey from 9:45-11:00 am.
Thursday January 21st is the Autorickshaw Duo for grades 1,2,3 in the gym at 1:15 pm.
Friday January 22nd there will be an Awards Assembly for the students who participated in sport’s groups or clubs this school year.
Tuesday January 26th Peregrine Falcon presentation for grades 4-6 in the morning.
Friday January 29th is pizza lunch.

5. Treasurer’s Report-Hand out.
John was not here tonight. Please email any cheques requests to John.

6. Funding Requests
There are no funding requests.

7. Wil-Kitchen
Paula is planning a meeting in the next couple of weeks. She will send out an email to all committee members once the dates are chosen. Linda Kalafatides brought in some recipes.

8. Sweetheart Bake Sale
Susan will organize this event with Sam as Karen will be away. The date is Friday February 12th. The location is outside Rm. 3. It will take place during morning recess and lunch. April will spend about $70.00 on dollar store items. Sam will do inventory of leftover items in the Nurses office. Grade 6 teachers will be contacted to make posters to advertise the sale in the school. Erin will work on poster to send home with students. The daycare children will come over. Primary students and JK/SK will come at the beginning of the sale.

9. Kindergarten Registration
It will take place on February 17, 18 and 19 in the morning.

10. Badminton Nights
The first Wilkinson Social Badminton Club night on January 8th was successful. Twenty-one children and adults came out between 6:00-8:30 pm. There was no food, but drinks were available. Upcoming nights will be advertised in the Wilkinson Newsletter and flyers will be posted at the school.

11. Committee Updates

a.) Arts.
April gave feedback to Chris McKool of “Fiddle Fire” regarding their presentation. She felt he spoke too much therefore the primary audience became restless. Charlie Kert is coming January 13th for the JK/SK, primary grades and Dandylion Daycare. He has dropped off music ahead of time. April has let him know how many children will be there as there is a cut off of how many children should attend. He is a teacher of “Dare Art”. Autorickshaw Duo is coming January 21st in the afternoon for primary grades. This group combines a mixture of music and instruments in classical and Indian styles.

b.) Communications.
Carol asked for any ideas for the next newsletter. Ideas suggested included reviews of the Chris McKool presentation by the students, an update on the pools, a reminder of our Supperworks (Beaches location) funding raising opportunity and upcoming Mabel’s Labels fund raising campaign.

c.) Fundraising.
Pizza Lunches. Next lunch Friday January 29th.
Chocolate Sales. Carol said there are about 20 boxes left.
Direct Donations. It is finished December 2009, $1,485.00 was raised.
Movie Nights. Next moving night is January 15th the movie is “Bolt”. Volunteers are needed. There was discussion about adjusting the time to start the movie later therefore allowing more of our Muslim students to come after Mosque. This is possible when the movie is shorter, however, we are limited by the 9:00 pm closure of the gym. Next movies; February 19th “Clouded with a Chance of Meatballs”, March 26th “Astor Boy” (this is also a pizza lunch day). Ruby suggested making available another type of food that night.
Mabel’s Labels. Kirsten outlined campaign using the website, Facebook and flyers to be sent home. The sale will run from January 1st to January 31st. We will get 15% of the total sales.

d.) Greening.
Kirsten is working with a sub committee to outline a strategy for Phase 2 for the JK/SK area. There was an audit done by the TDSB that included a blueprint and a five year plan. The TDSB paid for this audit, but only paid for first year of the five year plan. Kirsten will set up another meeting this month. The idea to split the committee into two groups, one focused on the creative side and the other group focused on fundraising is being considered. One idea for fund raising from R. H. McGregor was selling fence posts to donors. Paula is interested in learning more about grants and grant writing. Kirsten will write summary of sub committee to give to Carol. Kirsten looked into signage for the Learning Garden Erin offered to help her with contacts. Kirsten noticed that the Learning Garden had been chopped down, no one knew who did it.

e.) Health and Safety.
Sarah-Jane reported that she had seen rough housing in the playground. Lease said there is a no tolerance policy for all rough housing at TSDB schools.

12. Report Back/Follow Up Items
Roots of Empathy. Linda handed out Toronto Star article from September 13, 2009.
TDSB runs 115 programs @ $2000.00 per program. The TDSB asks host school for $300.00. Four programs are running in our families of school. Programs have been put in high risk schools. A program has one teacher per classroom and one counselor. This is the first year the TSDB is doing this program. The Dandylion Daycare was interested in this program. Linda also recommended going to their website for more information.

Monarch Park pool may not be closed it is not a done deal. Ruby reported the meeting at the board got pushed into December. The decision was turned down in keeping it open for January 2010. Earl Grey has raised half of their operating cost for the fiscal year. The project has been short listed on AVIVA as of December 16th. There are 25 groups on the short list, we were 16th on the short list. The decision is now going to the AVIVA committee. No pools have actually been drained.

13. New Business/Other Items for future meeting
Pharmaceutical literature in the school-to discuss and to clarify at the next meeting.

14. Thank you and Adjournment at 8:10 pm
Paula thanked Kirsten and Erin for updating the bulletin board.
Motion: Paula Weekes Kahn. Seconded: Erin Vaillancourt.