Wilkinson School Community Council
Meeting Minutes
Monday December 14, 2009

Present: Leasa Adams, Varathan Aiyadurai, Carol Bennett, Laura Bullard, Paul Dobson, Jay Friedman, Sarah Gillespie, John Hykel, Paula Weekes Kahn, Chris Kearns, Kirsten McGoey, April Moon, Alison Motluk, Tanya Sterioff, Sam Vrakking, Karen Wiseman.

Regrets: Jill Spellman

Absent: Ruby Lederman, Saeka Shaikh, Erin Vaillancourt

Guests: Linda Kalaftides

Recorder: Karen Wiseman

Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm

1. Welcome and Introductions
Paula welcomed everyone. Introductions were made around the table. Our guest, Linda Kalaftides, was welcomed and introduced.

2. Approval of the Agenda
Two items were added to the agenda, 8.) Pharmaceutical literature in the school and 11.) Pool update. Motion: Sarah Gillespie. Seconded: Karen Wiseman

3. Approval of November 9th meeting minutes
Minutes were approved.
Motion: Varathan Aiyadurai
Seconded: Carol Bennett.

4. Principal’s Update
Carol Sing at 1:00 pm on Friday in gym. We will also have a mini assembly.
The TDSB has chosen the first 15% of schools to offer full day kindergarten for next year and we’re not one of them. That will give us an opportunity to monitor how the TSDB will handle the issue of blending ECE staff with teaching staff and should answer a number of questions for the Daycare throughout the year.
We return to school on Monday January 4, 2010.
Nurse who visits the school will discuss hand washing with students in the New Year.

5. Treasurer’s Report-Hand out.
John pointed out that there is $5,368.84 in the bank that has not been allocated. Direct Deposit donations do not go against the ledger. Movie nights are doing well financially. Chocolate sales are $1,400.00 net. Carol said there are 20 boxes left. She will advertise left over chocolates in the newsletter. April asked to earmark $4,000.00 for Fun Fair. Also $4,600.00 will be earmarked for the Scientists in the School.

6. Funding Requests
Silver Birch $919.41 funding request. Motion: April Moon. Seconded: Kirsten McGoey.

7. Wil-Kitchen
Paula stated date still to be set in Jan. or Feb. 2010. It is open to all families. The food theme is different each meeting ex. Caribbean, Greek. Older children can take part and babysitting is provided for younger children. There is no cost to attend this event. It is not a fundraiser, but a community builder. The overall cost to the council is usually around $200.00-$300.00. Paula will send out a general email to all committee members regarding setting up next event.

8. Pharmaceutical literature in the school.
Alison discussed her concern of a pamphlet sent home with her children about head lice, as the sponsor for the pamphlet was a pharmaceutical company. Alison does not want company endorsed advertising sent home. Leasa sent the pamphlets home assuming they were endorsed by the TDSB board. Karen expressed her view that she was fine with company endorsed pamphlets being sent home with her children if they were endorsed by the TDSB.

9. Direct Donation Campaign
It is finished ending December 2009. There was a total of $1,400.00 given. No Direct Donation campaign planned for the spring of 2010. This money was designated to the new school playground equipment in the fenced area. Tanya gave a summary of the overall cost of the school playground equipment. The school will pay the difference, so it is now paid for in full. There was some discussion around the corporate sponsored playground at R. H. McGregor primary school. Tanya will speak to their principal about their project.

10. Bake Sale
Date to be set at next meeting as February 14th is on a Sunday this year. Karen is to organize the sale with the help of Sam. April will purchase items from the dollar store.

11. Pool Update
Ruby was not here to give a report. Tickets all sold out at the November 27 fundraiser. The Earl Grey event was a great success and the Wilkinson turn out was good. Thank you for participating in this event. Keep voting online everyday at AVIVA website. Monarch Park school pool is closed.

12. Badminton Nights
This Friday night event is to be a Wilkinson social night based on a Badminton club. Come ready to play, please bring your own badminton racket. Donations will be collected at the door-pay what you can, which will be used to purchase sporting equipment for the school.

11. Committee Updates

a.) Arts. April reported that Chris McKool of Fiddle Fire came for the primary grades. His presentation was good. The Grade 5/6 English students are going to Roy Thomson Hall on December 15th to attend a concert. Regarding the mural project, Mr.Lows' question was sent to Daphne. AGO mural to cover old hallway mural second floor.

b.) Communications. Carol confirmed that Phil paid the domain fee of $15.00. John is waiting to get CopyCat invoices from Gerald Flasch. If anyone has any photos or column ideas let her know.

c.) Fundraising.
Pizza Lunches. Next lunch Friday December 18th.
Chocolate Sales. Carol said there are 20 boxes left.
Direct Donations. It is finished December 2009, $1,400.00 was raised.
Movie Nights. Susan asked for suggestions of movie titles.
Main Floor Bulletin Board. Kirsten offered to update and decorate the Council board. She will take group picture at next meeting.

d.) Greening. Kirsten said new signage for garden to explain the native species and to invite people in is in the works. The group is working on an art project proposal for the JK/SK garden area back wall. Kirsten suggested using Mabel’s Label as a fundraiser project to raise funds for this area. She will go ahead and advertise and we will get 15% of the profits. April suggested this fundraising endeavour not be designated to this project only, but that the money goes into the general budget. April didn’t want Kirsten to feel like this committee had to raise their own finances for projects. In the past, we have all shared with fundraising projects and the money goes into the general budget, then it is designated. There was general consensus on this issue. The only exception has been the Direct Donation Campaign that was designated for the playground equipment right from the beginning.

e.) Health and Safety. Sarah Gillespie reported she has seen the teachers
wearing the red lanyard @ whistles. Carol will put a note in the newsletter reminding children who wears the lanyards and why.
Alison brought up the issue of no soap available to some younger children in the lower bathroom because the dispenser is too difficult to reach. There was discussion of how to improve this situation. Carol will put an article in the newsletter to make parents aware of the issue. Perhaps having older monitors assist the smaller children at recess and lunch would help.

Roots of Empathy. Visitor Linda Kalafatides discussed how 6 TDSB schools have this program in place, which the board has paid for, as it is expensive. The purpose is to reduce violence and to teach children to read other’ expressions. Bringing a baby and mother into the classroom is one example of the program. Another purpose is to teach emotional intelligence in a positive atmosphere. Seeds of Empathy are for K-3 and K-6. The program fuses with the curriculum. It does not have to be run in every classroom for example Jackman PS is currently using the program with their Grade 2 classes. She will send out an email to council members with more precise details. The council felt they would like more information and wondered if our teachers would be interested in having this program in their classroom.

12. Report Back/Follow Up Items
Paula attended the TDSB Parent Involvement Workshop conference on November 7, 2009. She reported back on the Parent Council workshop and the Community Involvement workshop. All the material was excellent and she enjoyed the event.

13. New Business/Other Items for future meeting
School council insurance was purchased for $80.00, $2 million dollar coverage.
JK/SK children can be brought to school early if parents stay to supervise them in the yard. Teachers go out for yard duty at 8:30 am.
Fun Fair date set for Saturday May 29, 2010.

14. Thank you and Adjournment at 8:37 pm
Motion by Paula.
Seconded by John.