Wilkinson School Community Council
Meeting Minutes
October 5, 2009

Present: Leasa Adams (Vice Principal), Varathan Aiyadurai, Carol Bennett, Paul Dobson, Jay Friedman, Sarah Gillespie, Susan Haney, John Hykel, Kirsten McGoey, Saeka Shaikh, Tanya Sterioff (Principal), Erin Vaillancourt, Sam Vrakking, Karen Wiseman

Regrets: Rachel Ault (Staff Rep), April Moon, Alison Motluk, Jill Spellman, Paula Weekes-Kahn

Absent: Laura Bullard-Brezovsky, Kris Kearns, Ruby Lederman

Guests: None

Recorder: Karen Wiseman

Meeting called to order at 7:08 pm

1. Welcome and Introductions
Carol welcomed everyone. Introductions were made around the table.

2. Approval of the Agenda
Agenda approved as is, no changes made.

3. Approval of June 15th & September 14th meeting minutes
Minutes for the June 15th meeting were not available and deferred to the next meeting. The September 14th, 2009 meeting minutes were approved Motion: Sarah Gillespie, Seconded: Karen Wiseman.

4. Overview of Council
Carol spoke of council's role of the parent voice for the school. She referred to the website, http://www.digitaljive.com/wilkinsonschool/about/page22/page25/page25.html. She reminded us all that fundraising is only one facet of the council's mandate. Carol mentioned the People for Education as another resource, http://www/peopleforeducation.com.

5. Establish Council Executive
Carol gave a brief description of each position.
Chair: Paula Weekes was acclaimed.
Vice Chair: Susan Haney was acclaimed.
Treasurer: John Hyke was acclaimed.
Secretary: Karen Wiseman was acclaimed.

6. Set Dates for 2009-2010 Council Meetings
It was decided to set the dated for the second Monday of each month.
-Monday November 9th, 2009
-Monday December 14th 2009
-Monday January 11, 2010
-Monday February 8, 2010
-Monday March 8, 2010
-Monday April 12, 2010
-Monday May 10, 2010
-Monday June 7, 2010 (first Monday of the month))

7. Principal's Update
We have an extra .5 teacher. Craig Kasaval was rehired for physical education and Sean Cross is now in special education all day. He and Steve Pirso are working exclusively with the junior division in the afternoons to assist with the large classroom sizes.

Picture day is Monday October 19th. We are using a new photographer this year.

We will be having our annual Halloween Parade and Assembly on Friday October 30th at 1:00pm.

Tanya spoke to the engineer in charge of the windows and they will be coming either this summer or next summer.

8. Treasurer's Report-Hand out.
Expenses with chocolates $4,152.75. Not a lot of expenses so far this year. Gross amount going forward $12,894.23 as of July 31, 2009. We still need to allocate money. First movie night made $700.00 plus.

9. Confirm high level funding priorities for 2009-2010 school year-Hand out.
Review of discussion last year of “Scientists in the School” versus Field trips. Last year was the first year Tanya had one parent complain. There are two separate item lines for “Field trips” and “Scientists in the School”. We will keep it the same since there was only one complaint.

“School Yard Enhancements” were approved last year. Red and black climber to arrive in the next 6-8 weeks. Excavation costs and ground preparation have now been added to original cost. These large extra costs were not anticipated, so the school is covering some of these costs.

“Silver Birch/Blue Spruce” reading program to continue.

For the “Planned fundraisers for 2009-2010”
Chocolate Sales are happening right now. The school is a nut free zone. The chocolates we are selling are nut free and come from a nut free facilities.

“Direct /Parent Donations” to be sent out in November newsletter. Once again this year the money will be directed to school yard enhancement to offset the extra costs of the new climber.

Add to list, Pumpkins for sale and Mosaic BIA table. The Pumpkin sale to be checked with Ruby Lederman who coordinated the sale last year. Also, some money should be coming in this fall from the Mosaic BIA table.

Another idea raised by Sarah Gillespie to bring in a sports sponsor for example the Argos who give a Bullying theme or the Toronto Blue Jays. Leasa suggested maybe next year.

10. Funding Requests
Money is allocated to Ms. Di Iorio, $2,500.00. John is waiting for the invoice. Newsletter invoices to go to John. Susan Haney to renew DVD Site License for Movie Nights with ACF for $950.00 plus taxes.

11. Committee Updates
a. ) Arts: Committee in process. Muriel project with Inner City Angels to check with Daphne McCormack.

b.) Communications: Carol said website was updated, emails trouble fixed and teacher list updated. Newsletter design/layout now done by Gerald Flach.

c.) Fundraising:
Pizza Lunches. Laarni first notice went out this week and they are due next week.

Chocolate Sales. Carol stated 102 of 150 boxes are now out to students. Still giving out one box per student. Please fill out form if you can take a box.

Direct Donations. Carol stated coming this fall as insert in November newsletter. There is a receipt for donations of $25.00 and up. This is an alternate contribution that parents can make to the school. Erin is making a “picture” to put in the newsletter of the climber and to put a poster in the front hallway.

Movie Nights. Susan Haney is looking into getting “G-Force” for November.

Pumpkin sales. Ruby Lederman and Erin Vaillancourt to coordinate.

d.) Greening: John Hykel said last Sunday painting party cancelled due to rain. He will set new date and email everyone. “Learning Garden Update” article in October newsletter. John still plans to put signage in garden to explain the native species and to invite people in. He has worked with board to plant trees. We have planted 7 trees that cost about $700.00 each. There are other companies that will give trees but grants proposals must be written for example to Evergreen, Toyota and Trees Canada. Anyone interested in working in the gardens just let John know. There was mention of the ECO-School status at TDSB. Anyone interested in spearheading this project can find all the information on the TDSB website.

e.) Health and Safety: Sarah Gillespie reported she has still not seen the teachers wearing the new purple/yellow/orange lanyard @ whistles. Tanya stated that they were handed out and the teachers were asked to wear them. However, the principal cannot make the teachers wear them, it is the teacher's choice. On the theme of Bullying, Leasa is making presentations to each classroom.

12. Report Back/Follow Up Items
School Windows. This is in the Principal's Report.

13. New Business/Other Items for future meeting
Upcoming conferences. Any parent council member can go and the council will fund any registration fee:
-People for Education. Saturday November 7, 2009.
-TSDB Parent Involvement Workshop. Saturday November 14, 2009.
-PRO Grants: can apply for up to $2,000.00 available to be written. Deadline October 16, 2009.

14. Adjournment at 8:40 pm
Motion by Carol.
Seconded by Kirsten.