Wilkinson School Community Council
Meeting Minutes
September 14, 2009

Present: Leasa Adams (Vice Principal), Carol Bennett, Sarah Gillespie, John Hykel, Ruby Lederman, April Moon, Alison Motluk, Jill Spellman, Tanya Sterioff (Principal), Erin Vaillancourt, Sam Vrakking, Paula Weekes Kahn, Karen Wiseman

Regrets: Rachel Ault (Staff Rep), Laura Bullard-Brezovsky, Karen Geraci, Susan Haney

Guests: Jacqui Baby, Laarni Portelli

Recorder: Alison Motluk

Meeting called to order at 7:06pm

1. Welcome and introductions.
Carol welcomed council back from summer holiday. Our guests were introduced.

2. Approval of the agenda
Changes: Treasurer's Report and Greening Update to precede Principal's update as John needs to leave early. Update on new playground equipment and Council table at Curriculum Night added to New Business/Other Items.
motion: Sarah Gillespie
seconded: Jill Spellman

3. Approval of June 15 minutes
The minutes were not available for approval. Deferred until next meeting.

4. Treasurer's report
As of July 31, 2009, we had $15,550.76 in the bank. We're in good shape to start the year. John suggests we should be more aggressive with spending.

April reminded council that money saved last year for arts needs to be put into mural this year. John pointed out that operating expenses for council are down somewhat this year because we applied for government grant.

John will create a spreadsheet to make tracking money easier. He also offered to be treasurer again this year but suggested someone shadow him to prepare to take over next year.

John told council we will aim to paint the wooden wall in the primary play area. Ruby agreed to help if the date could be September 27 - Date to be changed. A notice will be placed on the website and by the front door.

5. Principal's Update
Tanya informed council that Wilkinson now has approximately 500 students, 28.5 students above projection. We are now a closed school and will not take in any students currently on the waiting list. We have a large number of kindergarten students because of last year's intake and next year, the seniors will all become full-time students and our numbers will expand.

The annual fall book fair will be next week in room 3. Thursday September 24 will be curriculum night, from 6:45 to 8pm. We'll meet in the gym, where Tanya will introduce staff before parents vote in this year's school council.

The school is taking precautions against H1N1. Caretakers are now disinfecting handrails and doorknobs on a daily basis. Office staff are disinfecting phones and counters every morning. The librarian is disinfecting the computer lab daily. We have ordered Purell for all the classrooms and there will be soap and water for children whose parents don't want them to use hand sanitizer.

Alison mentioned that the younger children cannot reach the soap in the basement washrooms. Tanya agreed to find a way to make soap available. Alison also asked how staff would define “sick” when deciding to call a student's parents. April asked that the school coordinate policies with Dandylion daycare.

There will be two fire drills next week, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. We will also be having our annual “hold and secure” (formerly known as “lockdown”) practice for students. It will be very low key for students. It is aimed at teachers and how they communicate with the office during that exercise.

A red and black climber is on its way. It will arrive in a few weeks. It will cost $3000-4000 to excavate the area and more to make a safe ground cover. It is more than the school intended to commit but Tanya felt it was important. She will have the gate removed so that locals don't use it as a dog run area.

6. Pizza lunches
Laarni has agreed to take on pizza lunches. She proposed raising the price a bit, from $7.50 to $8, for instance, with the highest price capped at $20. After much discussion about the fairness of various price hikes, council decided to leave it to Laarni to decide, taking our input into consideration. The first pizza lunch is October 23.

7. Ukulele club
Jacqui spoke on behalf of Ms Levy and Melanie Doane, who are coordinating a ukulele club at the school. Melanie is offering to instruct a group of grade 4 students on the ukulele. Twenty-two students have shown interest and the class is now full. Ukuleles cost approximately $40 and 4 students don't have one yet. Jacqui came to council to see if council will pay for the instruments, giving the students an option to buy them at the end of the year.

Sam asked if these 22 students will be the only ones to benefit from the club. Jacqui was unsure. Sarah suggested it would not be well-received by parents if we were funding an exclusive group. Ruby suggested we should fund it even if it was just this selected group. Tanya said the school could subsidize up to $200 if there was financial need. Carol suggested we revisit the issue once we know if Melanie intends only to take on this group, or give another group a chance next year. Agreement that any instruments purchased by the council should remain with the school (i.e. not kept by students).

8. Funding requests
Ms Di Iorio, the librarian, has requested $2500 to cover the costs of author and illustrator visits. Council said they had already earmarked that much for this purpose and would await specific requests.

Leasa requested we buy a few more IKEA bags for lunch time. Tanya said if they are only a dollar we should buy 30. Erin said she would purchase them.

9. Committee updates

a) Communications
Carol mentioned that a welcome package had been sent out. She also mentioned that this is the last year she'll be doing the newsletter and if someone wanted to shadow the position with a view to taking over next year, that would be great. Jill said she would. Gerald Flach will be taking over the graphics. Phil will continue to manage the website.

b) Fundraising
Chocolate sales Carol told council that 150 boxes of chocolate would be arriving on Thursday Sep 24. Ruby suggested we sort the chocolate and hand it out on curriculum night. Others felt Friday would work better. Money has to be back on Friday October 16.

Direct donation Carol will send out a flyer with the November newsletter as this will follow the chocolate sale. Erin will get a graphic of the new play structure and we will indicate we are continuing to raise funds for its installation this year.

Movie nights “Up” will be the first movie of the year, on September 25. Set up starts at 4pm. April is looking for help.

Other Ruby is wondering if council wants to sell pumpkins again this year. The general consensus was yes.

c) Health and Safety
School windows/school building Sarah heard through the grapevine that Wilkinson will not be getting new windows because assessments late last year found that the building was not structurally sound. Tanya said no one had told her we are not getting new windows. She awaits the decision.

Asphalt area of the schoolyard Sarah pointed out that the asphalt in our playground was buckling and needed to be replaced. She wondered why other schools in better condition had had replacements. Tanya will ask.

Lanyards Sarah asked again what was happening with the lanyards that are meant to identify teachers on yard duty. Leasa said that there would be a staff meeting on Friday and they would be distributed then.

10. Process for Council Election
Carol outlined how elections would take place on curriculum night. She regretted she would not be there. Paula agreed to take over. Next council meeting is Oct 5th.

11. New Business

Water safety Ruby mentioned a swimming program that our school might be interested in, “water safety first”. Tanya suggested Muslim families may not be keen. Alison felt we should get further input from these parents rather than assume anything. Tanya said in addition a swim program would present a logistical nightmare for the teaching staff.

Dandylion April mentioned that there is room in Dandylion's afterschool program, for grades 4, 5, and 6. It provides care only on school days (no lunches), and costs $265 a month.

12. Adjournment at 8:40pm
Motion: Carol
Seconded: Erin