Wilkinson School Community Council
Meeting Minutes
Monday May 11, 2009

Present: Carol Bennett, Sarah Gillespie, Susan Haney, John Hykel, Alison Motluk, Jill Spellman, Tanya Sterioff (P), Lisa Watt (VP), Paula Weekes-Kahn, Karen Wiseman

Regrets: Laura Bullard-Brezovsky, Karen Geraci, Ruby Lederman, April Moon, Erin Vaillancourt, Sam Vrakking

Guest: Karen Anthony, Dandylion Daycare

Recorder: Alison Motluk

Meeting called to order at 7:07pm

1. Welcome and introductions.

2. Approval of the agenda
Lisa added a Telling Bee update and Carol added an item on Council positions for next year.
Motion to approve: Paula; Seconded: Sarah - passed

3. Approval of April 20, 2009 minutes
Deferred to the May meeting as they have not yet been provided.

4. TD Bank - Community involvement
Due to illness, Ethan Tran, Manager of the TD Bank was unable to attend. Susan H informed council that TD would like to have long term involvement with the school and has donated $100 to Fun Fair. They would additionally like to provide small sums to help defray costs for events like movie night. They will also provide volunteers from the branch to occasionally help out with fundraising. Also, tellers will pass out Fun Fair flyers.

5. Treasurer's report
John did not have an updated financial statement. There were additional revenues of $605 for water bottles and $318 for movie night. John clarified some deposits for Wil-Kitchen. Carol and Paula recalled that the $1,200 grant was deposited into school's account in 2006 or 2007. It has not been transferred into the council's account yet.

John informed council that we can submit receipts for newsletters and get Ministry of Education reimbursement for up to $500.

We have a $2,500 buffer after all expenses are paid.

6. Principal's update
Tanya informed council:
-Monday May 18 is Victoria Day - no school
-Friday May 22 is city Track and Field finals. Some grade 4-6 students from Wilkinson will be attending
-Monday May 25 is the start of EQAO testing. Grade 3 testing begins that week. Grade 6 students will be tested the following week.
-Friday May 29 the Little Red Theatre will be performing. The morning performance will be for primaries and afternoon for juniors.
-Tuesday June 9 will be the annual Volunteer Breakfast in Room 3 from 8:30 till 10am.
-Thursday June 11 we will have a club and sports assembly in the gym at 9am to give out certificates for all the students who have participated.
-Friday June 12 we will have the other half of the sports assembly at 1pm.
-Wilkinson has been unofficially accepted as a School on the Move

Lisa informed council that at the last lice check only 4 children in the school had lice.

Next school year begins after Labour Day for the students. Teachers come in two days earlier.

7. Funding requests

8. Committee updates
i) Arts
April reported via Carol that Little Red Theatre will be performing and the teachers have study guides.

ii) Communications
Carol recommended we just post council's financials on the web site rather than in the newsletter. Next newsletter will come out the first week of June (after Fun Fair). Brady has volunteered to take Fun Fair photos.

iii) Fundraising
Carol has placed the order for chocolate. It will come with standard Pizza Hut coupon. Wilkinson sweatshirts are in on Wednesday and April needs help handing them out.

iv) Fun Fair
April via Carol says Fun Fair preparations are coming along. There's a meeting May 19 for the full planning committee.

v) Greening
John says TDSB will do a walk-through of the Learning Garden May 19 to remove fence. We will be planting another family tree. On May 23 there will a garden clean up party for which Tanya will arrange a permit to avoid any potential conflicts on the day of.

We've decided on some playground equipment and are waiting for word from TDSB about installation. Daphne may be able to get some grant money for the cutouts to decorate the fence area.

We are hoping to plant more trees. A tree from the school board costs $700. A cut out in the asphalt costs $1,000. In total, it will cost $7,000. We will try to get grant money for this.

vi) Health and Safety
Sarah wants to know what happened with the lanyards for teachers to wear when on school yard duty. Tanya says teachers don't want to wear them and she can't make them. Sarah pointed out that Jackman and Chester teachers wear identifiers and so is unclear as to what the issue is.

9. New Business/Other Items
Pizza Lunches - Karin Deane is stepping down from coordinating pizza lunches so we're looking for someone to take over for next year. They are not huge money makers -- we made $1,000 -- but the kids like them so we'd like to continue with them if possible.

Executive Council positions - Carol asked everyone to think about the council's executive positions for next year. John offered to be Treasurer for another year.

10. Report Back/ Follow Up Items
Telling Bee - Lisa told council that Kim is now working on the layout for the Telling Bee book that will go to families soon. SNAP will be running a story on the Telling Bee evening.

Adjournment at 7:46pm
Motion: Susan; seconded: Sarah - passed.