Wilkinson School Community Council
Meeting Minutes
September 8, 2008

Present: Carol Bennett, Karin Deane, Karen Geraci, Sarah Gillespie, John Hykel, Alison Motluk, Tanya Sterioff (Principal), Lisa Watt (Vice Principal), Karen Wiseman

Susan Haney, April Moon, Paula Weekes-Kahn

Jamie Stokes, Ruby Lederman

Alison Motluk

Meeting called to order at 7:08pm.

1. Approval of the agenda
motion: John Hykel
seconded: Karen Geraci

2. Approval of June 9, 2008 minutes, with some changes
motion: Sarah Gillespie
seconded: John Hykel

3. Principal’s update
Tanya informed council that enrollment was down by 40 kids to 460, so there may be a need for re-organization at the grade 4 level. If this takes place it will be done on the PA day at the end of September.
Tanya explained to council why a piece of the Learning Garden fence is missing: two wasps nests were found there and had to be removed. Tanya said she’d have it repaired, but John said it might be better left as it is as it’s more welcoming.
There will be two fire drills, one morning, one afternoon on Thursday and Friday this week. There will be two lockdown practices, one morning, one afternoon, next Tuesday and Wednesday.
Tuesday October 7 is curriculum night.
Teachers have agreed to wear brightly coloured lanyards in the schoolyard.

4. Treasurer’s report

Paula was absent so no treasurer’s report.

5. Committee updates
i) Arts
ii) Communications
Carol told council that the first newsletter of the year went out on Friday and the next will go out the end of September.
She also asked for an updated staff list to go on the website.

iii) Health and Safety
Lisa informed council that at lunchtime, the north stairwell is now used by older students and the south stairwell by younger students. The grade 1-3 lunchroom is now room 56, which has its own bathroom.
There will be a lice check on Thursday October 2 and a dental screening the following week.
Carol mentioned an article she saw in the local paper that Ryerson and Humber nursing students are partnering with the TDSB to assessing health needs of students as part of the philosophy that healthy students are better students, but Tanya said Wilkinson has no such partnership. Probably geared to higher need schools.

iv) Greening
John said he will be ordering April’s tree soon.
He, Heidi and Bruce walked around grounds and came up with a plan for a triangular cutout from he concrete area along the north end, where trees will be planted. They had wanted to build a tree path from Caithness, but we needed to leave room for portables if ever needed.
John asked Tanya if the locks could be removed from the primary area. Tanya mentioned a problem with dogs.

v) Fundraising
Fall fundraiser
Carol mentioned that April and Susan are working for something for October.
John asked about chocolate sales last year. He said normally we make $3000 and last year we made very little. Carol said that a lot of boxes were stacked up and thrown out. She suggested that in future, a single person should be responsible for sales drives. John suggested someone should sign off on it.

Direct Donation Campaign
Carol suggested we have a direct donation campaign, before the calendar year ends, possibly for playground equipment. Tanya suggested we have both long and short term goals and buy what’s most needed. Karen G pointed out people may be more willing to donate if they know they won’t be hit up for something else this fall. She recommended separate goals for each play area. Carol suggested $2500 each for the kindergarten and the main play areas. Karen G offered to write a draft of the appeal, and mentioned that we should make it clear in all languages that the notice was important.
Karen G also said she felt it was important that the council was not perceived as simply a fundraising body.

Pizza Lunches
Karin D will be collecting money for pizza lunches September 15-19 and needs volunteers to help. Pizza lunches will be Oct 3, Nov 17, Dec 12. The price is going up from $12 to $14 per pizza, so price per lunch will go up to $2.75. After discussion of potential use of other local providers, council decided to stick with Madina Halal for the fall and then revisit for the spring lunches.

6. Process for Council Election 2008-2009
Carol said nominations will go home with next newsletter. Karen G offered to run election in Carol’s absence on Curriculum Night.

7.Funding requests
Julie Found will be at the next meeting to make a request regarding the Telling Bee project.

8. Funding priorities for 2008-2009 school year
Carol opened a discussion about funding priorities. April had mentioned the importance of the arts. Paula has earmarkd $5000 for Fun Fair. Daphne will work on visual arts. Alison thinks the last to be cut is Scientists in the Schools, because science exposure is less common. Karen G said we should ask Ms Levy what she needs for the music programs.

9. Report back / Follow up
Wilkinson sweatshirts
Neither Jamie nor Ruby was present.

Bike Racks Near Dandylion
Neither Karen A nor April were present to discuss.

Vests/sashes for teachers on yard duty
Lanyards are okay.

9. New business / Other items
Welcome Night
Carol wondered whether we should have a welcome night with a tour of the school for parents who are interested and an overview of school council. Tanya said French Immersion parents already have this and that kindergarten parents are mostly interested in the first floor. Carol suggested we skip it this year, but perhaps consider for next. Alison said that for kindergarten parents, the week before school starts would be the best. Tanya and Lisa agreed to be available for that next school year.

Next council meeting
Carol suggested we meet October 20, due to Thanksgiving. Agreed.

10. Adjournment
Motion: Carol Bennett
Seconded: Karen Wiseman