Wilkinson School and Community Council
Meeting Minutes – Monday, May 12, 2008

Attendance: Rachel Ault (staff rep), Bambi Alvia, Carol Bennett, Karin Deane, Karen Geraci, Susan Haney, John Hykel, Sunny Mills, April Moon, Tanya Sterioff (principal), Jamie Stokes, Jacqui Strachan, Lisa Watt (vice principal), Paula Weekes Kahn, Karen Wiseman.

Regrets: Sarah Gillespie, Ruby Lederman, Alison Motluk

Guests: Karen Anthony (Dandylion), Kelly Dyment (staff), Amina Gill

Chair: Carol Bennett
Recorder: Karen Geraci

1.0 Introductory Remarks from Chair
Carol explained that administration has taken the position that nuts cannot be sold as part of council’s fundraising initiatives. She expressed regret that council wasn’t consulted on this decision and that we didn’t formally participate in the decision. There was some confusion about whether we had made a formal decision about whether we would sell nuts. Carol reiterated the importance of council tabling motions, recording its decisions, and that minutes are the record of our position. Carol stated she had advised Tanya of the feedback she has received from parents concerned about how the decision was made.

2.0 Additions to agenda:
Funding request – gift cards for caretaking staff
Final council meeting of the school year
Jacqui moved to approve additions to the agenda. Susan seconded. Motion carried.
Recorded by Carol B. Jamie seconded. Motion carried.

3.0 Principal’s Update
Tanya reported that in response to concerns about nuts being sold as part of fundraising activities at school she checked the TDSB web site and found that there is nothing specific in TDSB policies about nuts. She did, however, find a policy that safeguards the wellbeing of all students. The policy states that parents can take action if they feel their children’s safety is compromised. Tanya stated she was guided by that policy when deciding to disallow the sale of nut products.

Tanya distributed a draft bullying prevention/interventions brochure. She welcomes input from the council and staff on the draft; the goal is to have a final brochure ready to distribute in September.

Ms Found, the librarian, has set up a blog. Tanya distributed the template, and explained that all children’s submissions will be reviewed by Ms Found prior to posting on the blog.

Track and Field day is scheduled for Thursday, May 15, with a rain date set for Friday, May 16.

A school-wide lice check will take place before the end of the school year.

EQAO testing is scheduled for the Grade 6 classes on May 26 to 29. Grade 3 classes will do the testing between May 30 and June 4. In response to council members’ questions, Tanya and Lisa explained that the testing consists of 6 one-hour sessions, and that grade 3s do the testing over five days. Breaks and snack foods are provided throughout.

4.0 Treasurer’s Report
Paula distributed the Treasurer’s Report. At this point, council has paid off most of its expenses, and there is almost $14,000 in the account. John asked whether the recently planted tree has been paid for. Paula will check with Sue Buchan to confirm whether the money has been cleared from the school account. Paula also distributed a summary of fundraising activities and items we funded in 2007-2008 for reference when we identify funding priorities for next year.

5.0 Committee Updates

5.1 Arts
April reported that Prologue to the Arts is hosting a Spring Preview in which five performances they will be offering next year will be showcased. Tickets are available for anyone interested. Susan will email the contact information to request tickets to council members on Tuesday.

5.2 Communications Committee
Carol reminded council members that the principal must approve all communications distributed on behalf of the council. She further requested that the chair should also see any such communications.

5.3 Health and Safety
Karin D. reported that she had heard a radio broadcast of asphyxiation games, which appear to be increasing in popularity. Kelly Dyment added that it is popular amongst 10 to 14 year old boys in the US, and there are concerns that it will increase in Ontario. Staff agreed to bring it forward to the next staff meeting as an awareness item.

5.4 Greening
John Hykel reported:

    Motion to have the greening committee research EcoSchools, discuss with staff and report back in September to the council on whether we should pursue certification: Carol B. Seconded by Jamie. Motion carried.

    Carol asked whether it would be possible to produce a simple aerial view of the greening initiatives on the playground for parents’ reference. It could go in the June newsletter. John agreed to try to produce one.

    5.5 Fundraising
    Karen G. suggested it was not worthwhile organizing a chocolate fundraiser given the restriction on selling nuts. In the past, nut products have accounted for almost 2/3 of the profit. As a result, council removed $3,000 from the 2008-2009 budget to account for canceling the chocolate fundraiser.

    Other options, including selling fair trade coffee, were discussed. Council members discussed replacing the fall fundraiser with a targeted donation campaign, in which two or three items would be identified to parents as the source for fundraising. Motion to initiate a direct donation campaign around the end of September: John. Seconded by Jacqui. Motion carried.

    Follow-up: Council to decide what to direct the donations to at the first meeting of the year in September.

    5.5 Fun Fair

      6.0 Funding Requests
      Kelly Dyment, who is teaching grade 2 this year, presented on the PALS program (Playground Activity Leaders in School), on which she recently attended training. The program recruits students in grades 4 and 5, two of whom are assigned for each recess to help lead children in outdoor games. At Wilkinson, 23 children were selected from an application process, and will be given a half-day training to carry out their duties in the PALS program.

      Kelly requests up to $300 to purchase two kits that accompany the PALS program. These kits include balls, mesh and other items used for the games.

      Motion to fund the purchase of two PALS kits, up to $300: Sunny. Seconded by Bambi. Motion carried.

      Sunny moved to fund food purchases for a teachers’ appreciation lunch, up to $200. The date has not yet been set, but will be arranged with administration. Motion seconded by Karen W. Motion carried.

      Carol moved to purchase three $25 Home Depot gift certificates as an appreciation gift for the caretakers, for a total of $75. Seconded by Karen W. Motion carried.

      7.0 Other Business

      7.1 Bike Rack
      April requested that bike racks be purchased and installed close to the Dandylion daycare. Council members reported that several bikes have been stolen from the posts that are situated in front of the school, and that racks clearly located on school property would be a safer alternative. April to outline requirements to Lisa Watt (i.e. size, number, etc.) so that the school can obtain a quote.

      7.2 Follow-up from April Meeting
      Carol reported that Daphne has made contact with the Inner City Angels; no action required on Council’s part at this time.

      Sunny reported that volunteer T-shirts should be at the school on Friday, May 16.

      7.2 June Council meeting
      The last council meeting for this school year will be held on June 9 at 6:30. The earlier start time is to accommodate the AGM which will follow at 7:45.

      8.0 Adjournment

      John moved to adjourn at 9:05. Seconded by Jacqui. Motion carried.