Wilkinson School Community Council
Meeting Minutes
January 14, 2008

Present: Ruth Allen (Staff Rep), Carol Bennett, Karin Deane, Karen Geraci, Sarah Gillespie, Susan Haney, John Hykel, Sunny Mills, April Moon, Alison Motluk, Tanya Sterioff (Principal), Jacqui Strachan, Lisa Watt (VP), Paula Weekes Kahn, Karen Wiseman

Regrets: Bambi Alvia, Ruby Lederman, Jamie Stokes

Guest: Karen Anthony (Dandylion)

Recorder: Alison Motluk

Meeting called to order at 7:05pm

1. Approval of the agenda

2. Approval of minutes.
Minutes from December 10 meeting clarified and approved.

3. Principal's update
Tanya informed us that all TDSB facilities, including onsite daycares, will be closed on February 18 for Family Day. February 15 is a PA day, so for many it will be a four-day weekend.

Kindergarten registration begins February 19-21 for children who are in district, in Dandylion or siblings of Wilkinson students.

Tanya gave an overview of the School Community Safety Advisory Panel report (the Falconer Report) which was published last week. Among 126 recommendations were more hall monitors, more social workers, 24-hour hotline, more clubs and recreational activities, a canine unit with random locker searches. The minister for education has indicated she isn't intending to give the TDSB additional funds.

The Falconer Report does not really affect Wilkinson but council agreed that the Codes of Conduct should be reviewed.

Lisa invited council to participate in a Dot-mocracy, in which we could each assign twelve dots to character traits we feel should be developed and modeled by and for our students. Lisa will compile the results and submit them to the TDSB.

4. Treasurer's report
Paula reports that we have $12,343.39 in the bank now. April indicated we have allocated too much money -- $2000 - to pay for Fun Fair T-shirts. This amount should be reviewed.

5. Committee updates
i) Arts
April informed council that there is no firm date yet for the music CD workshop with Ted and Melanie.

The Monkey Bunch is scheduled to perform for all students including grade 4s, but there's no firm date for this either. Lisa is the contact person. We will be handing out forms for CD orders, and we will request them back by January 31. Tanya and Lisa will decide which classes attend when.

ii) Communications
Carol told council that the Communications Committee had its first monthly meeting last week. In the next newsletter, we will include a call for information to be included in the information booklet for new parents. Alison will write up this request, plus one to teachers.

Carol asked members to view council photos on wall in the hall outside room 3. We discussed including all staff photos and agreed that would be a good idea, for recognition. Tanya will scan staff picture.

Carol mentioned making more available information about who to contact if there's an emergency at the school and also a Who's Who of the education system -- who are the elected and appointed officials there to serve parents and schoolchildren. Council discussed putting this on the bulletin board, website or in the information booklet. Jacqui will provide an overview of the education system for this.

iii) Health and Safety
Karin D mentioned that the IKEA bags will be in use soon. Alison requested that before lunchbags are taken away all children are given adequate time to finish their lunches.

iv) Greening
John has signed the school up with Evergreen. Ruth agreed to be the teacher liaison. John discussed building a boulevard between the basketball court and the field to help prevent run off.

v) Fundraising
Susan raised the idea of a dance-a-thon. Tanya pointed out that the Muslim students may not be permitted to participate. Ruth suggested that this could take place if there was also another "equally fun" activity that students who aren't participating in the dance-a-thon could do. Susan advised that we may look at a fair-trade chocolate fundraiser in the spring.

Sunny mentioned that pizza lunches are starting again and forms will be going out this week. She has arranged for kids who missed out due to the Island school and Eid to have a make-up pizza lunch.

Sunny also lamented the lack of good new films with our distributor. There will be no movie night in January. She also encouraged other members to think about taking over responsibility for movie night next year as this is her last year at Wilkinson.

vi) Fun Fair
April reminded council that it's only 20 weeks away, on June 7. Ruby, Susan and April will meet this week to start planning.

6. Sweetheart Sale
Karen W reminded council about the Sweetheart Sale taking place February 14 at morning recess and again at lunch if there are still items left over. Lisa mentioned that a lice check and Tafelmusik will also be going on that day.

7. Funding requests
Our librarian, Julie Found, has requested that we fund the remainder of Blue Spruce and Silver Birch programs. Our intent was to cover the full amount. Motion to approve additional $233: Karen G. Seconded: Jacqui. Passed.

8. Sponsorship / Donations
Carol pointed out that TDSB forbids external advertising on school websites. Council discussed other forms of fundraising, including a button on the website that suggested ways to support the school. Jacqui will forward the "getting involved" link on the People for Education site as an example.

9. Report Back /Follow-up Items
Susan confirmed that the sweatshirt deal with Roots is "dead". We will return cheques to parents with an explanatory letter. Jamie is investigating other options.

Carol reported that the revised School Administrator Profile was sent to Tanya. Tanya confirmed that this was forwarded to the superintendent. Karen G suggested it should be included in new parent booklet.

Alison raised the issue of the kindergarten play structures again. Council discussed funding options. Carol pointed out that council seldom conducts dedicated fundraising. Jacqui asked if there was money somewhere within the board earmarked for play structures. Alison agreed to talk to kindergarten teachers to assess the need.

8. Adjournment
Council adjourned at 8:53pm.