Wilkinson School Community Council
Meeting Minutes
December 10, 2007

Present: Bambi Alvia, Rachel Ault (Staff Rep), Carol Bennett, Karin Deane, Sarah Gillespie, John Hykel, Ruby Lederman, April Moon, Alison Motluk, Tanya Sterioff (Principal), Jamie Stokes, Jacqui Strachan, Lisa Watt (VP), Paula Weekes Kahn, Karen Wiseman

Regrets: Karen Geraci, Susan Haney, Sunny Mills

Recorder: Alison Motluk

Meeting called to order at 7:10pm

Photos taken of council members for bulletin board.

1. Approval of the agenda

2. Approval of minutes.
Minutes from November 12 meeting approved.

3. Principal’s update

    4. Treasurer’s report
    Paula reported that we have $13,646 in the bank.
    Items still to be paid out:
    $1,700 for performing arts
    $2,000 for Fun Fair shirts
    $4,000 for Scientists in the Schools
    $1,700 for field trips
    $1,000 for graduation

    Outstanding cheques for: antibullying materials, movie licence, Wilkitchen, newsletter

    5. Wilkinson Sweatshirts
    Ruby updated council on problems with school sweatshirts. Roots now claims we need a minimum order of 144; we have approximately 60. April will call the supervisor then send a note to council members about how this has been resolved. We discussed ending our relationship with Roots and possibly asking for compensation. We would like to work with another supplier in the new year; an artist across from Loblaws was suggested as a possibility.

    There were also questions about the red colour used, which in past looked more pink. Karen W suggested the lion could be scary to young kids, but council confirmed the design had been previously reviewed and approved by the council and Wilkinson students.

    5. Committee updates
    i) Arts
    April reported that Susan has contacted the grade 6 teachers and Ms Levy about the January donated songwriting workshop by Ted Dykstra and Melanie Doane. Songs will be recorded and all the kids will get copies of their songs.

    Monkey Bunch will perform at the school end of January or early February. We may send out a form ahead of time to allow people to purchase a CD. They will do two 45-minute sets; all kids up to grade 4 plus eight Dandylion kids will attend.

    ii) Communications
    Carol reminded us that the new joint newsletter will appear the last Thursday each month. It will include the principal’s message and the council’s news.

    Carol and Alison proposed development of an orientation package for new Wilkinson parents, especially parents of JK students. Tanya suggested it be ready for Open House in May.

    iii) Health and Safety
    Karin D reviewed the safety audit. Sarah highlighted problems with woodchips and aggressive swearing on the playground.

    Public access to the schoolyard was raised to find out if there is any interest in limiting this access. Tanya advised that there would likely be public opposition if we tried to limit access that has always been available. Paula felt the schoolyard was safer with more eyes on it and felt the focus should be more on confirming safety and awareness tools with the students (e.g. always being with a buddy). Jamie said gating the schoolyard sends a negative message to the community and punishes the many for the actions of the few. Carol suggested we could find out what other open-access schools do. Lisa mentioned that walkie-talkies work well if there is an urgent problem somewhere. Carol stated that we need to fully understand what the problem or issue is with the open-access schoolyard that we’re trying to address – without this we shouldn’t be putting solutions forward (i.e. what are we trying to resolve by restricting access).

    Council also discussed safety within the school. Karin discussed finding better ways to keep people who don’t belong to the school out of the school. There is a Board security guard who has been around.

    Apart from front doors, no doors are to be left unlocked at any time. Council discussed a window view from the front office. Tanya said the current wall is 1.5 feet thick and houses plumbing and electricity, so it would be astronomically expensive to convert. She said she would consult further.

    Karin D suggested we review lockdown procedures in the newletter.

    Sarah asked whether there had been follow up after the anti-bullying program. Lisa described follow up: reviewing what a bully is, reviewing the role of the bystander and keeping anti-bullying-related materials in the library.

    iv) Greening
    John H reported that four new trees will be planted soon in the primary play area. TD Bank paid for them. He will also be contacting the National Planting Network about other projects.

    v) Fundraising
    Ruby L told council that there are 30 boxes of caramel chocolate bars left. She asked whether we wanted to send a form home to sell the rest. Council decided to sell the remainder at movie night.

    Council discussed the previous movie night and whether “The Simpsons Movie” was appropriate. Only one parent complained at the event.

    April discussed the upcoming Sweetheart Sale on February 14th. We will ask for donations from parents. Bambi will manage this event.

    6. Funding requests
    Jacqui asked about money to pay for tuning of five school pianos. No request submitted at this time though.

    7. Report Back Items
    Alison asked about whether Dandylion had agreed to let our Kindergarten students use their play structures. Tanya reported that they agreed to let us use it any time they are not using it.

    Carol reported that Wil-Kitchen got rave reviews and the parents would like similar events to take place.

    Carol will work with Phil to make the website more user friendly

    8. Adjournment
    Meeting adjourned at 8:35