Wilkinson School Community Council
Meeting Minutes
October 15, 2007

Present: Ruth Allen (Staff Representative), Bambi Alvia, Karen Anthony (Dandylion Daycare), Carol Bennett, Karen Geraci, Sarah Jane Gillespie, Susan Haney, John Hykel, Sunny Mills, April Moon, Alison Motluk, Tanya Sterioff (Principal), James Stokes, Jacqui Strachan, Lisa Watt (Vice-Principal), Paula Weekes Kahn, Karen Wiseman,

Regrets: Ruby Lederman

Recorder: Karen Geraci

1. Welcome to New Council
Carol Bennett welcomed members of the 2007-2008 Wilkinson School Council. Next month photos will be taken of members to post on the central bulletin board for parents' reference.

2. Approval of agenda

Motion to approve agenda without amendments: John. Seconded by Susan. Motion carried.

3. Approval of meeting minutes

Motion to approve minutes from September 10th: Jacqui. Seconded by John. Motion carried.

4. Overview of Council
Carol provided an overview of how the council operates, and distributed an information package including regulations governing school councils and their responsibilities. She also distributed the Wilkinson Council constitution and web site policies.

Carol confirmed that meetings are held once a month, all meetings are recorded and minutes are posted on the Wilkinson web site.

5. Council Executive
None of the executive positions were contested. This year's executive members are:
* Chair: Carol Bennett
* Vice-chair: John Hykel
* Secretary: Alison Motluk
* Treasurer: Paula Weekes Kahn

6. Dates for 07-08 Council Meetings
Council meetings will be held the second Monday of each month, except in cases where that day falls on a school holiday.

The following dates have been established for council meetings this year:
* November 12, 2007
* December 10, 2007
* January 14, 2008
* February 11, 2008
* March 17, 2008
* April 14, 2008
* May 12, 2008
* June 9, 2008

7. Principal's Update

* The library will host an Open House on Monday, October 23, at which parents are welcome to attend.
* The Hallowe'en Assembly will take place on Wednesday, October 31 at 1:00
* The next P.A. Day will take place on Friday November 2
* There will be a Canadian Opera Company performance of The Brothers Grimm on Wednesday November 7
* A Remembrance Day service will be held on Friday November 9

8. Treasurer's Report

Paula presented the treasurer's report. She confirmed that money was earmarked at last June's council meeting for some council funds to be spent during this school year. These expected expenditures include:
Performance & Arts $2500
T-Shirts $2000
Scientists in the Schools $????
Visiting Authors $????
Silver Birch Program $500
Field Trips $1700
Photocopying (newsletter, etc) $????

5. Committee Updates

* Arts
April Moon confirmed she will chair the Arts committee this year. They have been using the Prologue program, which includes study guides and CD's along with performances. To date, the committee has arranged for the Canadian Opera Company to perform The Brothers Grimm on November 7, and a drumming workshop for grades 3, 4, 5 on April 7. Their goal is to arrange for two performances for each grade.

* Communications
Carol identified that she would like to hear ideas for the Council newsletter. There was some discussion about ways to reduce paper, with one idea floated of cutting back the newsletter to one page, double sided. This would include only immediately relevant items, plus the calendar on the back. Carol will try to bring some interested people together to discuss ideas for the newsletter this year.

The following items are possibilities for the upcoming newsletter, scheduled to go out the last week of October:
* Bullying awareness week (Lisa Watt)
* Strategies for addressing EQAO scores
* Recruiting volunteers for safe arrival program

* Fundraising
Susan reported that the boxes of almonds are gone; there are 10 cases of mixed chocolate and 32 cases of caramel bars left. To date the chocolate sales money returned totals more than $1700. Susan asked for Council's input as to whether chocolate should be returned or put out for further sale. Given that the fundraising committee would like to try another fundraising venture for the holiday season, council members suggested that the caramel bars be returned to avoid fundraising 'fatigue'. Susan will arrange for this. The mixed chocolates will be kept and sold either by the case or signally at movie nights.

Sunny reported that this year's sign up for pizza lunches has exceeded last year's participation. Reminders of upcoming lunch dates will go home in the newsletter so parents don't forget.

* Greening
John reported that four white spruce will be planted in the south side of the primary play area, and that the committee will continue to seek funding for additional plantings. The learning garden is scheduled for a clean up over the next few weeks.

10. Funding Requests
John requested up to $500 in funds to be spent on greening efforts over the course of the year. Seconded by Jacqui. Motion carried.

11. School Safety Night
Tanya announced that since last May keypad entries have been installed at the north and south playground doors. Teachers will use swipe cards to open the doors.

Council members discussed ideas raised at a previous council meeting, with some members expressing concern over the idea of keeping front doors locked as a security measure. Sarah Jane Gillespie agreed to participate in a school safety audit with TDSB and school administrative staff and report findings to council.

12. New Business
* People for Education will hold its annual conference on November 3
* PRO Grants are available again this year from the Ministry of Education. Jacqui clarified that the grants are restricted to $1000 and priority goes to schools who have not received funds.
* Susan will report back on Roots T-shirt status at next meeting

13. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 8:55.