Wilkinson School Community Council
Meeting Minutes
June 11, 2007

Present: Bambi Alvia, Karen Anthony (Dandylion Daycare), Rachel Ault (staff rep), Carol Bennett, Karin Deane, Susan Haney, April Moon, Tanya Sterioff (principal), Sunny Mills, Jacqui Strachan, Lisa Watt (vice principal), Paula Weekes Khan, Karen Wiseman

Regrets: Karen Geraci, John Hykel, Bianca Kapteyn, Ruby Lederman

Meeting called to order at 6:30

1. Approval of Agenda

Motion to approve agenda, no amendments: April. Seconded by Susan. Motion carried.

2. Approval of Minutes

Motion to approve minutes from May 14, 2007 meeting, with the addition of Karin Deane's name to the Regrets list: Karen W. Seconded by Karin D. Motion carried.

3. Principal's Update

After the last council meeting, Tanya and the teachers discussed possible yard upgrades: a bench could be added near the play structure. The teachers also mentioned that the sand pit area on the north side of the yard is hardly ever used, and there may be room there for another basketball court in that area.

Upcoming dates: Play Day on June 22 - students should bring hats and sunscreen
Report cards go home on June 25
Graduation is on June 26 at 4:00 p.m.
Last day of school is June 28.

4. Treasurer's Update

Financial statement was presented by Paula (see attached).
Allocate up to $50 for the year-end music party.

5. Committee Updates

_ Melanie Doane, April Moon, and Daphne McCormack will be working on the Arts programming
_ Monkey Bunch (Jann Arden's band) will do a performance
_ Tyko Drumming performance and workshop for grades 4-6
_ April is looking into booking the Opera company again
_ Tanya will email assembly dates and give April the 'Year at a Glance' in September, so she can check dates before booking
_ Melanie Doane and Ted Dykstra (wonderful talented Wilky parents) have offered to do a free performance
_ Susan Haney will touch base with COC

_ Last newsletter of the year will be published shortly - it will include fun fair info and pictures.

_ Movie Nights: book Shrek III for September 21, Surf's Up for October
_ Fun Fair: April thanked everyone for all their hard work; need to look at how to recruit more volunteers; to thank donors, April will send out a standard letter, each person to thank the people they got donations from, Kim will make thank you certificates for local vendors, suggestion that next year we have students do thank yous.
_ Try to recruit two parent reps from each classroom for next year - try to do it at curriculum night
_ Suggestion for a parent talent night as a possible community event - we have many gifted artists and performers in the school community

6. Dandylion Daycare Update

There are still spaces available in their summer day camp program for school-aged children, cost of $170 per week. We will put a notice in the newsletter to contact Karen Anthony if interested.

7. Funding Requests

Graduation - up to $1000 for food and trophies. Moved by Sunny, seconded by Karen W. Motion carried.

Home Depot Certificates for Caretakers as a thank you for their extra work - $75. Moved by Carol, seconded by Sunny. Motion carried. Susan Haney will pick up gift certificates.

8. Funding Priorities for 2007/08 School Year

Scientists in the Schools: $4000
Visiting Authors: $2000
Silver Birch Reading Program: $500
Field Trip Subsidy ($3 per child): approximately $1700
Performing Arts: $2500
Film Licence: $900
T-shirts - $2000
Fun Fair - $5000
Graduation - $1000

9. Fundraising Initiatives for Fall

Susan H. and Bambi have offered to help run the chocolate sales. Susan will contact Ruby to get more information. Ruby suggested trying coupon book sales as an alternative to chocolate bar sales.

10. Wil-Kitchen Update

Twenty people came out to the first event on May 31. Everyone had fun.
Susan will email the recipes to Carol for distribution to interested participants.
Jacqui and Susan will try to resolve the permitting issue so that the oven can be used for the next event.

11. New Business

Welcome Night Date: September 18, 6:30 p.m.
Need new Ward 15 reps for the TDSB Parent Involvement Advisory Committee

Meeting adjourned at 7:30.