Wilkinson PS Parent and Community Council
Meeting Minutes
May 14, 2007

Present: Jacqui Strachan, Sunny Mills, John Hykel, Karen Geraci, Paula Weekes Kahn, Karen Wiseman, Karen Anthony (Dandylion Daycare), April Moon, Ruth Allen (Staff Representative), Tanya Sterioff (Principal), Lisa Watt (Vice-Principal)

Guests: Melanie Doane (parent)

Regrets: Karin Deane

Absent: Bianca Kapteyn

1. Approval of agenda

Motion to approve agenda without amendments: Jacqui. Seconded by John. Motion carried.

2. Approval of meeting minutes

Motion to approve minutes from April 2: Jacqui. Seconded by John. Motion carried.

3. Principal's Update

Grade 3 EQAO testing will take place the week of May 22 to 25, Grade 6 participates in testing the following week, May 28 to June 1. Mike Ford will be presenting to grades 4,5,6, on May 22 in room 3. Track and Field day is Thursday May 17th at Danforth Collegiate. It may carry over to Friday morning if more time is needed.

The school cannot get a permit for the lunchroom to host Wil-kitchen because of the stove use. Room 3 or the staff room can be permitted instead; the menu will change to cold foods.

4. Treasurer's Report

Paula presented the treasurer's report. Revenue in the last month has been generated from s movie and pizza sales, plus a deposit of approximately $350 from the latest movie night. Fun Fair expenses have been budgeted at $4200. Carol B confirmed that a $200 cheque has been received from Greektown BIA for the Fun Fair.

5. Committee Updates

* Arts
No report from Bianca. April asked for clarification on some details of the Arts Committee as she is interested in coordinating it next year. Council and staff confirmed that a balance of performances across junior and primary grades is one goal, although some performers will go for whole school. Typically, performances cost between $600 to $800 per event; approximately $2400 has been budgeted for performances in the last few years. Bianca works from the Prologue catalogue which comes to the school and to the council.

* Communications
One more newsletter to go out at the end of May. Carol has asked for article ideas to include in the issue. Susan Haney suggested a reminder about bike helmets might be in order. Lisa Watt suggested that a reminder to parents be included that they should provide changes of telephone numbers, and addresses to the school.

* Fundraising
Sunny reported that there is one more pizza lunch scheduled for June 1st. The last movie night was held on May 11/07. Although it was not as well attended, probably in part because of the time of year, there was a profit of $138.00.

* Fun Fair
April reported that planning is going well. She asked Carol to check in with Kim about package, flyers, posters. April will send out email shortly to entire committee with updates. Treasure Island toys donated toys which can be used for dream baskets and loonie land. This year we will have a booth for lost children and first aid booth outside room 3, which will be staffed by two people certified in EMS.

Susan Haney asked about status of Starbucks donations. Karen Wiseman confirmed that she has spoken to the manager and the store has agreed to donate a bag with coffee, mugs, tea. They will also donate hot coffee for the day of the event. Currently have a basket at the local Starbucks asking for book donations for Wilkinson which Susan will clarify the purpose of.

April confirmed that business cards can accompany donations of food items to the Fun Fair.

* Greening
The committee is still waiting to hear whether we will receive funding for six trees from TD Foundation. Dandylion Daycare will use the Learning Garden during the summer; a section of the garden will be prepared so they can plant. This Saturday morning the committee is looking for volunteers to help with weeding in the garden. John would like to prepare plywood sheets so classes can make signs for the garden. A dedication ceremony will be held in June for the tree that was planted in the fall.

6. PIAC Workshop
Carol reported that she attended a Parent Involvement Advisory Committee workshop which dealt with how to make council more effective. In the fall she will provide information about what was presented.

7. People for Education survey results
Jacqui presented highlights from the survey results from the report which is available on the People for Education web site. Two big pieces of news concern ESL funding, which continues to have relatively few resources actually spent on its provision. The other finding was about fundraising. In reviewing the school board reporting on fundraising amounts, P4E was able to identify that $500,000,000 was raised last year. This is roughly equal to one third of the provincial education budget.

8. EcoSchools
Karen G presented information about EcoSchools which is an effort to support schools in reducing waste, conserving energy, increasing ecological literacy and greening school grounds. TDSB has an EcoSchools coordinator, and many resources are available to help schools in their efforts to achieve the program's goals. It may be worth exploring, however it requires a few dedicated staff and council members, as well as school-wide commitment to make the program a success. Karen suggested that many of the greening committee activities could fall under the mandate of an expanded EcoSchools committee.

Action item: Karen will contact the EcoSchools coordinator to find out what is involved in starting and sustaining the process.

9. Dandylion Update
* It was confirmed that Wil-Kitchen cannot use the kitchen at the Daycare either, because they are under the same permit process.
* A discount is available on food for Fun Fair if we use the daycare's supplier.
* There are spaces in satellite program which is moving back into main daycare space. Currently four spaces are available at $357.00 month for after-school care, from 3:30 and 6:00 without lunch coverage, holidays, or summer months.
* The daycare is very excited about using the Learning Garden over summer months. They are working on getting high school students and day care staff to volunteer for Fun Fair.

10. Funding Requests
Sunny would like to host another Teacher's Appreciation Lunch this year. She put forward a motion to approve funding for up to $200 towards luncheon foods. Motion seconded by April. Motion carried. The lunch will be held on Tuesday June 19 at 11:30. Volunteers should arrive at 10:00 to help set up.

Ruby paid $120 for apples as snacks. Motion to reimburse Ruby for the cost of applies: Karen G. Karen W seconded. Motion carried.

11. New Business

Uniform update: Ruby reported that she placed the order with Roots in the fall. She took possession of the order only to find out that the sizing, letting and colours were incorrect. Roots has agreed to have the order worked out by end of this year.

Paula announced that the Council will receive $5,000.00 from one parent who wishes the donation to remain anonymous.

Motion to adjourn 8:40 pm- Jacqui, seconded by John. Motion carried.