Wilkinson School Community Council
October 10, 2006

Attendees: Rachel Ault (Teacher Rep), Carol Bennett (Vice-Chair), Karin Deane, Karen Geraci (Chair), Susan Haney, John Hykel (Treasurer), Bianca Kapteyn, Ruby Lederman, Sunny Mills, April Moon, Tanya Sterioff (Principal), Jacqui Strachan, Lisa Watt (Vice-Principal), Paula Weekes Kahn, Karen Wiseman

Recorder: Jacqui Strachan

Quorum met at 7:00pm

Welcome and Introductions

Approval of Agenda
Motion to approve with additions: Jacqui/Bianca CARRIED

Adoption of Minutes: June 12, 2006 meeting
Motion to approve with changes: Ruby/Paula CARRIED

3A. Business Arising from Minutes
team uniform update – Ruby is awaiting final decision on logo before ordering the uniforms – Karen G. and Kim are working on it and will get it to Ruby in the next few days
may go with Roots, as they are contracted with TDSB and offer a good price and good quality

4. Principal’s Update – Tanya Sterioff
Due to a system wide staff re-organization (to accommodate changes in school populations), Lindsay Whitfield will be taking over the half-time special education position
A Trash Awareness program is being initiated with the students because the garbage left in the school yard after recesses and lunch is becoming a problem; it is the students who are doing the littering
A lice check and re-check were done this month. The school has purchased Nix, combs, disposable shower caps and bandanas for families who ask for help to assist them with controlling the problem
The Eid dinner is being postponed because Sarah Manjra isn’t available to organize it right now
Halloween parade and assembly will take place at 1:00pm on Tuesday, October 31

5. Election Results - 2006/07 School Council Elections
Low turnout may have been due to Ramadan
74 votes, 70 people voted for everyone, 4 voted for individuals
Everyone on the slate was elected (Carol Bennett, Karin Deane, Karen Geraci, Susan Haney, John Hykel, Bianca Kapteyn, Ruby Lederman, Sunny Mills, April Moon, Jacqui Strachan, Paula Weekes Kahn, Karen Wiseman)

6. Overview of Council Meetings
Quorum & Regrets – it is very important to let the Chair know if you cannot be at a meeting. We need to know so that we can be sure quorum is met and decisions can be made
Routine Agenda Items – Approval of the Agenda, Approval of the last meeting’s minutes, Principal’s Update, Treasurer’s Update, Committee Reports, Other Business – if you would like something added to the agenda, please contact the chair
Role of Committees – committees include Performing Arts, Greening and Grounds, Communications, Fundraising, and Fun Fair – most planning and details of events are decided at the committee level, then brought back to the full Council for final approval of expenditures and major decisions
Scope of Discussions – as above, most of the work is done at the committee level so that the council’s time is focused on final decisions and expenses as required.
Voting – all council members attending the meeting vote on motions put forward by a show of hands, and motions are approved by a simple majority
Role of Executive Officers – the Chair chairs all council meetings, prepares the circulates agendas for meetings, and represents the council – the Vice-Chair supports the Chair and chairs meetings when the Chair is absent – the Secretary takes minutes at council meetings, distributes them, and provides a summary of the meeting for the newsletter – the Treasurer makes bank deposits and writes cheques, and prepares and presents financial reports for council meetings.

7. Treasurer’s Update
report distributed
the first Movie Night was a huge success!
Funding Request: $20 – 30 per meeting for childcare
Motion to approve up to $30 per meeting for childcare: Jacqui/Ruby
We still owe the school $2000 toward the shed
Motion to approve payment of $2000, representing the final payment toward the kindergarten storage shed: Bianca/John

8. Executive Elections
the positions for 2006/7were filled by acclamation:
Chair: Carol Bennett
Vice-Chair: John Hykel
Treasurer: Paula Weekes Khan
Secretary: Karen Geraci

9. Meeting Dates
November 13, 2006, December 11, 2006, January 15, 2007, February 12, 2007, March 5, 2007, April 2, 2007, May 14, 2007, June 11, 2007. The meeting on June 11 will also be the Annual General Meeting

10. Committee Updates

Performing Arts
focus on literacy and puppetry this year
Melanie Doane and April Moon also want to be part of the committee
Ruby suggests that for complicated plots/authors, students should be given an intro so that they can better understand the performance
April will send Tanya information about free lunch concerts at Roy Thomson Hall, so that Tanya can circulate it to staff. We just have to call in advance to book
Motion: to approve funding of up to $3500 for approximately five performances for this school year: John/Karen

Greening and Grounds
Board is looking at moving the shed, so that kids can’t climb on it
Suggestion that we just take out the piece of fence that the kids are using to get up on the roof – Tanya will suggest they look at other options
John to meet with Bruce Day re: getting a tree with the donated money we got last year
John has an idea to replace the dedication sign for the Simpson family tree – he will discuss it with Tanya, Tanya to check if there are any issues re. John installing it

Newsletter is out, always looking for articles, writers, ideas, feedback
Keeping Web site up-to-date
No one responded to “ad” in June newsletter to help maintain the Council’s bulletin board in the main hallway. Karin Deane and Rachel Ault (Room 7) offered to do this – can consult with Carol Bennett for ideas
Motion to approve $150 per newsletter for photocopying expenses: Carol/Ruby

Chocolate sales – 5 cases of caramel and 30 of almond, next year perhaps lower the almonds and increase the caramels
Ruby will circulate an email to the council for people to sign up to do reminder calls to parents with money outstanding
Cookbook forms went home – art will be by the students
Direct Donation campaign – pink letter went home with newsletter
Movie Nights – Over the Hedge Friday, October 13; Cars on November 10th
Pizza Lunches – October 27th, November 24th
Suggestion that there be a holiday party instead of a movie night some time in December

11. Some Thoughts from the new Chair
Based on input received previously, suggestion to include times beside agenda items to keep the meetings focused – Rejected; perceived to limit additional comments/discussion
Include regular update from Dandylion Daycare as part of the agenda – Agreed
Include “Old Business” on each agenda to capture action items from prior meetings to ensure they are followed up on – Agreed
Table funding requests later in the meeting so that they are dealt with all at once, after financial position has already been discussed – funding requests should be submitted before the meeting – Agreed
Suggestion that, on a trial basis, there be an in-camera session at the end of the meeting with only the parent members to review a) any concerns/questions requiring additional discussion/clarification that parents may not have been comfortable raising in the larger group and/or b) issues requiring a consolidated “parent” position – Rejected; general feeling that council meetings should be open discussions and parents with concerns who are uncomfortable raising them at council can speak to the chair or a member of council to have them addressed. Concern that in-camera session could compromise the purpose of the council, which is to connect parents and staff.

12. Other Business
Many parents have voiced their appreciation for the removal of the basketball nets over the summer
Karen W. asked about the problem of students entering the school and over-crowding at the entry doors. Staff are looking into it and trying to resolve the issue and fixing the traffic jam that is particularly bad at the south doors.

Motion to adjourn - 8:45 pm