Wilkinson School Community Council
September 18, 2006

Attendees: Ruth Allen (Teacher Rep), Rachel Ault (Teacher Rep), Carol Bennett (Vice-Chair), Karen Geraci (Chair), Catherine Lake, Bianca Kapteyn, Ruby Lederman, April Moon, Lisa Watt (Vice-Principal), Paula Weekes Kahn, Karen Wiseman

Regrets: John Hykel (Treasurer), Tanya Sterioff (Principal), Jacqui Strachan, Sharon Weller (Secretary)

Absent: Sunny Mills

Recorder: Carol Bennett

Quorum met at 7:00pm

  • Approval of Agenda
Motion to approve with 2 additions: Ruby/Bianca CARRIED

  • Adoption of Minutes: June 12, 2006 meeting
Motion to approve with changes: April/Ruby CARRIED

  • Principal’s Update -- Lisa
Year-at-a-Glance Calendar distributed
School-wide head check for lice scheduled for September 22nd
o more support will be provided and a little more pressure will be applied to parents where there is an issue on an ongoing basis
o Susan Haney suggested looking into The Big Carrot for non-chemical solutions/ preventions
Carol asked for daily schedule to be clarified:
o 8:30am Teachers commence yard supervision
o 8:45am Bell to enter
o 10:10-10:20am Morning recess
o 11:30am-12:40pm Lunch
o 12:45pm Classes resume
o 2:05-2:20pm Afternoon recess
o 3:30pm School day ends

Treasurer’s Update – Karen G. on behalf of John H.
No Statement of Financial Position available
$166 still to be paid for printing of parent welcome package
Bank balance: $8,474.85
Approx. $7,500 to be paid mid-October for chocolates
We spent $2,600 last year on funding for the arts/performances. Do we want to think about increasing this amount?

5. Community Update – Storage Shed
Paula raised concerns on behalf of neighbours who back onto the schoolyard regarding the new storage shed.
Children are climbing up onto the roof from the fence raising concerns about their safety and school liability
Action: Lisa to raise with Tanya and pursue with the TDSB as this is a board issue

6. Fundraising Update – Ruby

i) Chocolate Sales
200 cases ordered at approx. cost of $5,000, scheduled to arrive September 21st; 48% profit
3 week campaign planned; no re-ordering this year
Extra stock will be sold at Movie Nights and other Council activities
There will be no prizes this year
Ruby and Paula will coordinate volunteers to distribute chocolates and take in money
Motion to fund purchase of 200 cases of chocolate almonds and caramel bars from World’s Finest to sell: April/Paula

ii) Wristbands
Plan to order 1,000 bands for $900 CAD (incl. taxes) from a U.S. company; they throw in an extra 100 bands with the order
Plan to sell over the next two years at $2 each
Two different types: Red with black lettering and Red with black swirl with white lettering
Not intended to be a big fundraiser but rather enhance school spirit
o Suggestion raised to look into temporary tattoos for Wilkinson events
Concerns raised:
o Some may consider wristbands passé
o Can we not look further into purchasing from Canadian company? Ruby confirmed that once she had budget approved she would approach the Canadian provider again and see if they could match or better the U.S. pricing.
Motion to approve up to $1,000 towards purchase of 1,000 wristbands: Susan/April
CARRIED (1 opposed)

iii) Recipe/Cook Book
Wilkinson families/students submit up to 4 recipes for inclusion with commitment to using at least one
No up front costs to the company; estimated cost based on 300 books, each book containing 125 recipes, is $3.10 per book
Plan to sell them for $10 each
Coordinators looking into getting poetry and art work from Wilkinson students for inclusion in the book
Also checking into whether TDSB would permit advertising for local businesses in the book
Targeting early December for delivery

7. Jerseys for Sports Teams
Ruby has looked into the types and costs of sports jerseys for Wilkinson teams
Proposal presented to purchase 100% soft knit jerseys; red with black lettering/logo
Cost per shirt is approx. $23 (including taxes)
Recommendation was to purchase 30 shirts for school teams and an extra 15 for students to purchase on their own at cost
Much discussion regarding how personal vs. school shirts would be identified and the reasons behind making them available to purchase
Motion to purchase 30 shirts for school teams: Ruby/Karen G. CARRIED
Motion to purchase additional shirts for students to purchase: Ruby/Paula

8. Welcome Night – Carol
Scheduled for Tuesday September 19th
Carol speaking on behalf of Council; Susan to get coffee from Starbucks; Paula and Karen W. helping with set up

9. Curriculum Night
Thursday October 5th; Council election will take place in the gym at 6:45pm

10. Next Council Meeting
Scheduled for October 10th at 7:00pm
April advised that Karen Anthony, Dandylion Day Care Supervisor, would like to attend Council meetings and keep lines of communication open between school and day care.

Motion to adjourn - 8:35 pm